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Dota 2 Wiki
▶️ I am a beacon of knowledge blazing out across a black sea of ignorance.
Nature's Prophet icon
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
21 + 2.6
22 + 3.6
23 + 3.7
等级 0 1 15 25 30
生命值 200 620 1340 2100 2400
+0 +2.1 +5.74 +9.54 +11.04
魔法值 75 351 963 1551 1803
+0 +1.15 +3.74 +6.19 +7.22
护甲 0 3.67 12.07 20.07 23.4
伤害格挡 -
魔法抗性 25%
状态抗性 0%
攻击力 27‒37 50‒60 101‒111 150‒160 171‒181
攻击频率 0.59/秒 0.72/秒 1.01/秒 1.3/秒 1.41/秒
攻击距离 远程 600 (800)
攻击速度 ▶️ 100 (1.7秒 BAT)
攻击动作 0.4+0.6
弹道速度 1125
移动速度 ▶️ 290
转身速率 转180°需要0 0.6
碰撞体积 24
视野 () 1800 • 800
碎片类型 树木



Nature's Prophet minimap icon先知
▶️ "I woke within the seed and saw my destiny, and many were its branches."
Eric Newsome (台词)


Sprout icon
点目标 / 单位目标
Cooldown symbol
 11/10/9/8 天赋 10.9175/9.925/8.9325/7.94
Mana symbol

  • 在150范围的圆上每45度生成一棵树木,总共8棵一圈,将目标单位困于陷阱
  • 摧毁一棵树就足够让单位走进或走出树圈中
  • 发芽的树木与其他地图上的树木完全一致,他们会阻挡视野,寻路并且与技能产生一样的相互作用
  • 发芽在持续时间内提供目标点周围500范围的空中视野
  • 不受任何玩家控制的单位不会尝试绕开发芽的树木,只会像他们不存在一样直走
    • 这能有效地使他们卡住,直到他们修改方向(比如吸引他们的仇恨)
  • 发芽的树木有着不一样的模型,并且比其他地图上的树木小,他们没有死亡动作
  • Tango icon 树之祭祀对发芽树木使用时治疗时间为两倍,使用守卫持续时间而不是树木持续时间

Teleportation icon
Cooldown symbol
 50/40/30/20 天赋 49.625/39.7/29.775/19.85
Mana symbol
特效 [?]

  • 双击该技能自动对队伍泉水使用
  • 在施法时间内,先知和目标地点周围会产生视觉效果,该视觉效果对所有人可见
  • 同时在目标地点播放一个音效,但是,只有先知对敌人可见时敌人才能听到

Nature's Prophet Treant model
等级 2
持续时间 技能持续时间 60
护甲 护甲 0
魔法抗性 0%
状态抗性 0%
攻击力 ▶️ Unknown
20/24/28/32 ‒ 24/28/32/36 (天赋 47/63/79/9551/67/83/99)
攻击距离 未知 100
触发距离 500
攻击动作 0.467+0.533
移动速度 ▶️ 300/320/340/360 (100)
转身速率 转180°需要0 0.5
碰撞体积 16
视野 (U) 500
金钱 金钱 8
经验值 12

Nature's Call icon
范围150/225/300/375天赋 275/350/425/500
树人数目2/3/4/5天赋 7/8/9/10
Cooldown symbol
 37 天赋 36.7225
Mana symbol
特效 [?]

  • 自然的呼唤只能产生与目标区域树木数量一样多的树人
  • 摧毁目标区域内的所有树木,与产生树人多少无关
  • 树人总是在区域中心生成
  • 区域内必须有至少1棵树木才能使用,对没有树木的区域使用会得到一个错误信息
    • 但是,如果目标区域内的树木在施法时间期间消失了,技能不会被打断,浪费魔法和冷却

Nature's Prophet Treant model
等级 2
持续时间 技能持续时间 60
护甲 护甲 0
魔法抗性 0%
状态抗性 0%
攻击力 ▶️ Unknown
102 ‒ 114 (天赋 129/141/153/165141/153/165/177)
攻击距离 未知 100
触发距离 500
攻击动作 0.467+0.533
移动速度 ▶️ 360 (100)
转身速率 转180°需要0 0.5
碰撞体积 16
视野 (U) 500
金钱 金钱 1824
经验值 30

Wrath of Nature icon
点目标 / 单位目标
基础伤害110/140/170天赋 140/170/200阿哈利姆神杖 135/170/205阿哈利姆神杖和天赋 165/200/235
负面效果持续时间0阿哈利姆神杖 4
Cooldown symbol
 85 天赋 84.3625
Mana symbol
特效 [?]

  • 自然之怒可以对地面使用,自动向最近的可见敌人跳跃
  • 每0.25秒弹射一次,因此击中所有目标需要4.25秒,每一次弹射都会增加11%当前伤害
  • 每次施法永远不会击中同一个目标两次
  • 这是每级每次弹射造成的伤害(减免前):
1级: 110/122.1/135.5/150.4/166.9/185.3/205.7/228.3/253.4/281.3/312.2/346.5/384.6/426.9/473.9/526/583.9/648.1
2级: 140/155.4/172.5/191.5/212.6/236/262/290.8/322.8/358.3/397.7/441.4/490/543.9/603.7/670.1/743.8/825.6
3级: 170/188.7/209.5/232.5/258.1/286.5/318/353/391.8/434.9/482.7/535.8/594.7/660.1/732.7/813.3/902.8/1002.1
1级: 135/149.9/166.4/184.7/205/227.6/252.6/280.4/311.2/345.4/383.4/425.6/472.4/524.4/582.1/646.1/717.2/796.1
2级: 170/188.7/209.5/232.5/258.1/286.5/318/353/391.8/434.9/482.7/535.8/594.7/660.1/732.7/813.3/902.8/1002.1
3级: 205/227.6/252.6/280.4/311.2/345.4/383.4/425.6/472.4/524.4/582.1/646.1/717.2/796.1/883.7/980.9/1088.8/1208.6
  • 这是拥有基础伤害增加天赋 天赋时每级每次弹射造成的伤害(减免前):
1级: 140/155.4/172.5/191.5/212.6/236/262/290.8/322.8/358.3/397.7/441.4/490/543.9/603.7/670.1/743.8/825.6
2级: 170/188.7/209.5/232.5/258.1/286.5/318/353/391.8/434.9/482.7/535.8/594.7/660.1/732.7/813.3/902.8/1002.1
3级: 200/222/246.4/273.5/303.6/337/374.1/415.3/461/511.7/568/630.5/699.9/776.9/862.4/957.3/1062.6/1179.5
1级: 165/183.2/203.4/225.8/250.6/278.2/308.8/342.8/380.5/422.4/468.9/520.5/577.8/641.4/712/790.3/877.2/973.7
2级: 200/222/246.4/273.5/303.6/337/374.1/415.3/461/511.7/568/630.5/699.9/776.9/862.4/957.3/1062.6/1179.5
3级: 235/260.9/289.6/321.5/356.9/396.2/439.8/488.2/541.9/601.5/667.7/741.1/822.6/913.1/1013.5/1125/1248.8/1386.2
  • 所有弹射总共可以造成5543.6/7055.4/8567.3(可以用阿哈利姆神杖升级 6803.5/8567.3/10331.2)(天赋 7055.4/8567.3/10079.2,可以用阿哈利姆神杖升级 8315.3/10079.2/11843)点伤害(减免前)
  • 自然之怒每击杀敌人,施法者获得一层攻击力
    • 要获得叠加,敌人必须死于该伤害,击杀拥有自然之怒debuff的敌人不会获得叠加
    • 每个实例拥有其自身独立的持续时间
    • 状态buff显示当前叠加提供的攻击力数量,没有叠加限制
  • 这是每级自然之怒特定叠加数量可以获得的攻击力:
    • 1级: 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40 / 44 / 48 / 52 / 56 / 60 / 64 / 68 / 72 
    • 2级: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 
    • 3级: 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48 / 54 / 60 / 66 / 72 / 78 / 84 / 90 / 96 / 102 / 108 
  • 拥有Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖时,对所有被击中的敌人施加debuff,拥有debuff的敌人死亡时,会在其位置生成一个Nature's Prophet Treant icon 树人
    • 拥有debuff的敌方英雄(或Meepo minimap icon 米波克隆体)死亡时,会生成Nature's Prophet Treant icon 大树人
    • 幻象Tempest Double minimap icon 风暴双雄会产生普通树人
    • 如果没有学习Nature's Call icon 自然的呼唤,生成的树人会立即死亡,敌人不会获得经验
    • 自然之怒先施加debuff,再造成伤害
    • 技能征召中,需要征召到自然的呼唤才能生成树人


2.5倍 Nature's Prophet Treant icon 树人生命/攻击力25Teleportation icon 传送无冷却
75% 被Sprout icon 发芽单位落空几率20+8 护甲
+5 召唤Nature's Prophet Treant icon 树人15+25 攻击速度
+30 Wrath of Nature icon 自然之怒基础伤害10+20 攻击力
  • 攻击力天赋以攻击力加成的形式增加。
    • 幻象不能从中获益,也不受大多数百分比伤害增加或降低效果影响。


  • 基础护甲从2点降低到0点
  • Nature's Prophet Treant icon 树人
    • 金钱奖励从20降低到8
    • 经验降低从16降低到12
  • 天赋:
10级左边天赋:+15 Wrath of Nature icon 自然之怒基础伤害 增加到 +25
10级右边天赋:+25 攻击力 降低到 +20
15级右边天赋更改:+8 护甲 ➜ +25 攻击速度
20级右边天赋更改:+30 攻击速度 +8 护甲
  • 天赋:
10级左边天赋更改:+20 移动速度 ➜ +15 Wrath of Nature icon 自然之怒基础伤害
15级左边天赋:+3 召唤Nature's Call icon 树人 增加到 +4
  • 天赋:
10级左边天赋:+25 移动速度 降低到 +20
10级右边天赋:+30 攻击力 降低到 +25
15级左边天赋:+3 召唤Nature's Call icon 树人 降低到 +3
15级右边天赋:+10 护甲 降低到 +8
20级左边天赋:25% 冷却时间减少 降低到 20%
20级右边天赋:+40 攻击速度 降低到 +30
25级左边天赋:2倍 Nature's Prophet Treant icon 树人生命/攻击力 降低到 1.8倍


Starting items:

  • Tango icon 树之祭祀 and Healing Salve icon 治疗药膏 can provide health regeneration for Nature's Prophet in the early game as required. If jungling, one or both can be forgone in lieu of using Nature's Call to summon Treants to tank neutral creep attacks.
  • Ring of Protection icon 守护指环 can provide Nature's Prophet with some armor, increasing his survivability, and builds into Ring of Basilius icon 王者之戒.
  • Clarity icon 净化药水 restores mana to Nature's Prophet so he can continually use his spells in the early game, particularly Nature's Call, as his base intelligence and comparatively costly spells means that he will otherwise quickly run out.
  • Iron Branch icon 铁树枝干 is cheap attribute item that can shore up Nature's Prophet's health, damage, and mana.

Early-game items:

  • Magic Stick icon 魔棒 provides burst health and mana can give him the survivability to escape an enemy gank, or enough mana to cast one more spell.
  • Boots of Speed icon 速度之靴 provide Nature's Prophet with a boost to his movement speed, important for catching up to enemies to cast his spells during ganks. While he has strong global mobility in Teleportation, having enough speed to re-position during fights is crucial.
  • Ring of Basilius icon 王者之戒 provides Nature's Prophet with mana regeneration and an armor aura, which can increase the survivability of his Treants and lane creeps. This can help with jungling, and when pushing. If needed, it can be disassembled and the Sage's Mask recycled into another item, such as an Oblivion Staff icon 空明杖 for Orchid Malevolence.

Core items:

  • Magic Wand icon 魔杖 provide additional attribute bonuses to Nature's Prophet, and give him even more burst health and mana regeneration. A fully-charged Magic Wand can give Nature's Prophet enough mana to cast any of his spells (short of a level 3 ultimate) even when completely empty.
  • Power Treads icon 动力鞋 provide Nature's Prophet with a boost to his attributes and additional attack speed, which are both very useful. The attributes allow him to give himself more health or mana and base damage, while the attack speed allows him to land more physical attacks on enemy targets.
  • Phase Boots icon 相位鞋 is a useful alternative to Power Treads. As it augments Nature's Prophet's physical attacks and allows him to boost his movement speed, it can make him a bigger threat in ganks since he can maneuver into position more easily after casting Teleportation, to pen in an enemy with Sprout and deal heavily damaging right-clicks. The movement speed boost is also useful for escaping pursuing enemies, and in a pinch can be used to walk right through other units, such as your own Treants.
  • Town Portal Scroll icon 回城卷轴 significantly augments Nature's Prophet's global mobility. While Teleportation already grants him global presence without the need to target his destination at an allied building, a Town Portal Scroll allows him to use the two in tandem, such as retreating to base or defending a tower after using his innate spell. As well, using the Town Portal Scroll will leave Teleportation at the ready should an opportunity to gank an enemy present itself shortly.

Situational items:

  • Hand of Midas icon 迈达斯之手, if obtained early, can greatly augment Nature's Prophet's late-game potential by accelerating his gold and experience gain at the cost of early-game aggression. As well, the bonus attack speed give his physical attacks more power.
  • Scythe of Vyse icon 邪恶镰刀 massively increases the ganking power of Nature's Prophet by giving him a hex ability, giving him another way to control enemies' movements on top of Sprout. It also provides a large increase to his intelligence, giving him more damage and mana, as well as all-around attributes and powerful mana regeneration.
  • Shadow Blade icon 影刃 gives Nature's Prophet more initiation and escape ability, augmenting his already formidable global presence due to Teleportation. Used offensively, Nature's Prophet can get in a powerful first strike on unwary enemies prior to disabling and focusing them down. Used defensively, the invisibility and increased movement speed allow him to evade any enemy rotations aimed at halting his pushes, and can allow him to invisibly cast Teleportation.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 augments the strength of Wrath of Nature, allowing it to deal more damage overall and sprouting Treants upon successfully killing an enemy unit, be it a creep or hero. This greatly augments Nature's Prophet's pushing power, since it will summon reinforcements upon striking down enemy lane creeps.
  • Orchid Malevolence icon 紫怨 is a powerful early aggression tool. Its low cost and easy buildup make it possible to obtain quickly in the early game, while the bonuses it provides augment Nature's Prophet's physical attacks (via increased intelligence, damage and attack speed) and allow him to gank enemies to great effect by silencing them, preventing them from casting retaliatory disables or escape spells. The augmented mana regeneration also allows him to stay out in the field longer without needing to return to base as often.
  • Desolator icon 黯灭 can greatly augment Nature's Prophet's offensive and pushing potential. The increased damage and armor reduction on targets make his physical attacks much deadlier, allowing him to soften up gank targets or reduce tower armor to hasten pushes.
  • Necronomicon icon 死灵书 provides Nature's Prophet with additional pushing power and an additional damage source when ganking enemy heroes. At level 3, the Necronomicon will also provide True Sight, which can be used to de-ward enemy vision and prevent invisible enemy heroes from escaping ganks.
  • Daedalus icon 代达罗斯之殇 provides Nature's Prophet with tremendously increased attack damage and a critical strike, allowing him to deal more damage to enemy heroes. It is primarily purchased with the intent to kill heroes rather than destroy towers, and can make him a force to be reckoned with when combined with his potent disables.
  • Mekansm icon 梅肯斯姆 can be a strong utility item to build on Nature's Prophet. His global presence allows him to use this item to save allies when teleporting to their aid during an enemy gank, and can also be used to heal allied creep waves to augment their pushing power.
  • Silver Edge icon 白银之锋, when upgraded from Shadow Blade, can give Nature's Prophet additional ganking power when used properly. By applying a break on gank targets, enemy passives can be removed from play, increasing the odds of a successful kill. As well, the damage reduction it inflicts upon the hit enemy and the bonus attributes give Nature's Prophet increased resilience.
  • Null Talisman icon 空灵挂件 provides cheap attributes, and improves Nature's Prophet's mana pool and damage output, making early jungling easier. Purchasing two or more can give him respectable early attributes and allow him to fight enemies earlier on.
  • Force Staff icon 原力法杖 can be a useful item to purchase on Nature's Prophet, depending on the situation. It can enhance his mobility by allowing him to quickly re-position himself, such as pushing himself over a cliff, re-positioning allies, or breaking Linken's Sphere on a gank target prior to other disables.
  • Blink Dagger icon 闪烁匕首 can tremendously increase Nature's Prophet's maneuverability and ability to evade enemy ganks. After using Teleportation to arrive at a lane and Nature's Call to summon Treants to push, Blink Dagger can be used to instantly jump away to evade any enemies attempting to rotate in. It can also be used to initiate more easily on gank targets, as they may easily run away if they see a Teleportation coming in.
  • Blade Mail icon 刃甲 is a very unorthodox early-game item to build on Nature's Prophet, as he does not have the health to efficiently utilize any reflected damage. However, it can be a powerful offensive item, as it provides a large amount of attack damage and intelligence, tremendously increasing the power of his right-click damage. As well, the armor increases his survivability and the active can still be useful when focusing down single targets, and any damage incurred can be replenished by returning to the fountain with Teleportation.
  • Dagon 1 icon 达贡之神力 gives Nature's Prophet significantly more ganking power as he can instantly burst down a portion a gank target's health, making successful kills more likely. His ability to farm and get kills also allows him to upgrade it to allow it to remain potent throughout a match.
  • Assault Cuirass icon 强袭胸甲 is a very powerful offensive and pushing item. By boosting his attack speed and inflicting the enemy with a negative armor aura, Nature's Prophet's physical attacks become much deadlier, and the increased armor also gives him survivability against physical damage. As well, the negative armor aura affects enemy buildings as well as creeps, and the allied aura increases creep armor and attack speed, making pushes more powerful when outside of teamfights.
  • Monkey King Bar icon 金箍棒 should be purchased if an enemy is building evasion items, as it allows Nature's Prophet to gank them without worrying about missing attacks. As well, the item gives him generally increased damage output and attack speed, allowing him to push more effectively.
  • Mjollnir icon 雷神之锤 is a strong all-around pushing and fighting item. The greatly increased attack speed as well as attack modifier allows Nature's Prophet to make short work of creep waves, and increases the potency of his attacks during ganks and teamfights. The active can be cast to increase damage output via proccing the shield.
  • Octarine Core icon 玲珑心 is a situationally powerful casting item on Nature's Prophet, depending on the enemy lineup. While the spell lifesteal is not very beneficial due to Wrath of Nature being his only innate damage nuke, the cooldown reduction allows him to summon Treants more frequently, re-position around the map more often with Teleportation, and theoretically keep up a permanent Sprout on an enemy (excluding cast animation).


Planted as a seed by the goddess Verodicia, and grown from the remnants of her own body, the Nature's Prophet rose on the vernal equinox to defend the verdant world. Gifted with foresight, he Teleports freely across the land to intercept and ambush trespassers. A ring of trees Sprout from the forest floor, trapping foes within its foliage. From the woods, he calls forth countless treants to act as sentient guardians. Channeling the goddess' fury, the Prophet strikes at every intruder in the land, bringing the Wrath of Nature down on all who would do harm to Verodicia's creation.
定位: 核心 核心 打野 打野 推进 推进 逃生 逃生 爆发 爆发
复杂程度: ★★☆





  • Nature's Call icon 自然的呼唤在DotA中为Force of Nature
  • 在DotA中,先知的名字为法里奥,引用自Warcraft世界中的玛法里奥·怒风。他在Dota 2中的名字已经被修改,以避免与Blizzard的版权问题。他在大多数玩家中仍然称为法里奥,并且在游戏文件中也被"Furion"引用
  • 先知在Dota 2中原来的名字为"特夸亚",但是由于未知原因被修改了
  • "Nature's Profit"是先知常用的昵称,出于他的打钱和分推游戏风格
  • 先知早期的背景概念是让他成为Anti-Mage minimap icon 敌法师Terrorblade minimap icon 恐怖利刃之父的(与他在DotA中相似),但这个想法在之后就被放弃了
  • 先知的生成台词,▶️ "I speak for the trees."直接引用并致敬了Dr. SeussThe Lorax
  • 其中一个先知的正补台词,▶️ "Green is good.",引用自"greed is good,",一句1987年的电影华尔街的对白,同时也是Warcraft III中的作弊代码
  • 其中一个先知的幻象神符台词,"Leaves of three, let them be",是辨别和避开毒常春藤的传统韵律

