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Spell Steal icon

Rubick minimap icon 拉比克's Spell Steal icon 技能竊取 has some complex interactions, specifically on spells that have direct synergy with another component of the hero's arsenal. Any spells that have unique interactions with Rubick are detailed here, otherwise they function as expected. Note that these interactions do not necessarily apply to the 技能徵召 game mode. Rubick himself has some unique interactions with some spells which can differ from their behavior in Ability Draft.

General information[]

  • Rubick cannot steal 被動 abilities, 主動攻擊效果, or spells which have no use on their own (aka sub-spells, such as Launch Fire Spirit icon 發動烈火精靈 or Shadow Poison Release icon 釋放暗影毒). Sub-spells are always stolen with their main spell. Some sub-spells when cast allow their main spell to be stolen, while some have no effect.
  • Rubick will not acquire a spell that is given from another spell as an Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 upgrade even if Rubick has Aghanim's Scepter, unless stated otherwise.
  • Spell Steal can only be cast on heroes, so non-hero spells cannot be acquired, unless Doom minimap icon 末日使者 casts a spell which he gained from Devour icon 吞噬. He cannot steal spells from 幻象.
  • Any abilities that create illusions will create illusions of Rubick, not of the original hero.
  • If Rubick steals the same spell as he already has, the spell will not update its level and not be refreshed. Only the Spell Steal duration will be refreshed. Even if re-stealing the spell cannot refresh its cooldown.
  • If the target enemy Hero has Aghanim's Scepter, Rubick will not steal the upgraded version of the spell. In order to get the upgrade on stolen spells, Rubick himself has to buy an Aghanim's Scepter.
  • Summoned or dominated units with a limited duration will not be killed upon losing the summoning spell.
  • Summoned or dominated units with an unlimited duration will be killed upon losing the summoning spell or stealing another spell unless stated otherwise.
  • Toggling spells can be stolen, but only if toggling them on was the most recent action. Toggling them off does not count as casting the spell.
  • The effects of toggling spells will be lost on stealing another unless stated otherwise.
  • Rubick has a 0.15 cast animation on any stolen spell, allowing them to be cast very quickly, with a few exceptions which are mentioned below.
  • If a transformation spell has a transformation time, Rubick will use that transformation time and not transform instantly.
  • If Rubick steals Chemical Rage icon 化學狂暴 he cannot then infuse his Aghanim's Scepter onto anyone, not even himself. The ability to transfer Aghanim's Scepter is innate to the hero and not the ultimate ability.
  • When stealing a spell, 天賦 upgrades are not accounted. This behavior is similar to Aghanim's Scepter upgrades with the difference that Rubick cannot obtain other heroes' talents.
  • Rubick's talent providing 技能增強 for stolen spells applies for the whole spell duration, even if he loses the spell after cast it (e.g. spells with 持續傷害). However, if the spell somehow is cast after he already loses the spell, it's not amplified. This only happens under rare circumstances (e.g. Templar Assassin minimap icon 聖堂刺客's Psionic Trap icon 靈能陷阱)
  • Rubick's stolen 持續施法 spells usually end prematurely when he loses them during channeling, which has the same effect of being interrupted during channeling. However, there are a few exceptions as listed below.

Stolen spells[]

Many spells have some slight differences to their original, to make it easier, or possible for Rubick to use the spells. Below are listed all spells which have some notable differences.

  • Borrowed Time icon
    Passively activated Borrowed Time does not count as a spell cast, so if it was the last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead. Can only be stolen when Abaddon actually casts the spell. When the Borrowed Time buff is active on Rubick, the health cost of other stolen spells will not be turned into heals.
  • Unstable Concoction icon
    Both Unstable Concoction and the Unstable Concoction Throw icon 投擲不穩定化合物 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Unstable Concoction when either was the last cast spell. When Rubick loses the spell while it is still brewing, it blows up on him instantly, hitting him and nearby enemies.
  • Ice Blast icon
    Both Ice Blast and the Release icon 釋放 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Ice Blast when either was the last cast spell.
  • Tempest Double icon
    Rubick can steal Tempest Double, and receive his own version with Rubick's skin. The double can use Rubick's items, Telekinesis icon 隔空取物, Fade Bolt icon 弱化能流 and Null Field icon 失效力場, but cannot steal other spells itself. When Rubick summons his Double, loses the spell and re-steals it, he can summon a new Double without losing the one from the previous steal. Rubick can steal spells from Tempest Doubles. He gets whatever spell the clone used.
  • Nightmare icon
    The Nightmare End icon 噩夢終止 sub-spell does not count as a spell cast, so if it was Bane's last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead. When Bane and Rubick cast Nightmare on the same unit, the duration gets refreshed, and the source updated to the latest caster. In this case, the sub-spell on the former caster will be replaced by the main spell. Whenever Rubick or Bane casts the Nightmare End sub-spell, it wakes up all units which were put asleep, no matter the source.
  • Black Hole icon
    Rubick will keep channeling Black Hole, even if he loses the spell during the channeling.
  • Sticky Napalm icon
    Any damage coming from Rubick triggers Sticky Napalm, even damage from other stolen spells. Summoned units do not trigger it, neither do their abilities.
  • Bloodrage icon
    When Bloodseeker and Rubick cast Bloodrage on the same target, they refresh the buff from each other, however, the status of the buff is not updated. This means if you cast it on yourself, and the Bloodseeker casts on you afterwards, it still counts as a buff. Vice versa, if Bloodseeker casts it first and then you, it still counts as debuff.
  • Shuriken Toss icon
    If Rubick Track icon 追蹤術ed enemy heroes before, Shuriken Toss will bounce to them.
  • Primal Split icon
    Just like for Brewmaster, Rubick is permanently moved to 大地's position, if Earth dies, to 狂風's and if storm dies, to 烈火's position. This affects Rubick's re-appear location and all the 光環s he carries.
  • Spin Web icon
    Rubick's webs have no effect on Broodmother and vice versa. Any 蜘蛛幼蟲s and 寄生蜘蛛s owned by Rubick are fully affected by his webs. Webs are destroyed instantly once Rubick loses the spell. Whenever Rubick steals the spell, he has 1 charge, regardless of how many he had left from previous casts.
  • Holy Persuasion icon
    Every unit Rubick cast Holy Persuasion on dies once he loses the spell, even when they weren't under his control anymore.
  • Ion Shell icon
    When Dark Seer and Rubick cast Ion Shell on the same unit, they refresh the debuff duration from each other and the source updates to the new caster, overriding the previous one.
  • Bedlam icon
    Rubick does not gain Terrorize icon 恐嚇 when Bedlam was stolen. Rubick can cast Bedlam even if he has just cast stolen Terrorize and Jex hasn't fully returned yet. Bedlam persists when Rubick loses it during activating.
  • Terrorize icon
    Rubick does not gain Bedlam icon 作祟 when Terrorize was stolen. Rubick can still cast Terrorize when he has previously stolen Bedlam activating. Terrorize does stay inactive until Jex fully returned to Rubick after terrorizing enemies. During this period, if Rubick re-steals Terrorize or his previously activated Bedlam expires, Terrorize will become active again. However, re-cast it before Jex returns has no effect, wasting the mana and cooldown. Rubick is not able to instantly cast this spell, and has to use the 1-second cast time.
  • Devour icon
    Rubick does not acquire the spell of 中立生物 by devouring them. However, Rubick can steal the spells of creeps that Doom has devoured, once Doom has cast that creep's spell.
  • Scorched Earth icon
    Affects all units under Rubick's control, even those summoned by another previously stolen spell.
  • Elder Dragon Form icon
    Using Elder Dragon Form does not increase Rubick's 攻擊範圍. Transforms Rubick into a smaller dragon than Dragon Knight. During Elder Dragon Form, Dragon Tail icon 神龍擺尾 gets the cast range bonus for Rubick as well.
  • Stone Remnant icon
    Stone Remnant cannot be stolen, so if it was the last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead. However, all of stolen spells from Earth Spirit can be normally used with his remnants, even refreshing Magnetize icon 磁化 on enemies. The same applies to heroes enchanted with Enchant Remnant icon 殘岩魔咒.
  • Astral Spirit icon
    Both Astra Spirit and the Return Astral Spirit icon 靈體遊魂回歸 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Astral Spirit when either was the last cast spell. When Rubick loses the spell while the Astral Spirit is summoned, it literally dies. Because it has no death animation, it stands still and then slowly sink into the ground, during which it does not damage enemy units and not provide Rubick the attack damage and 移動速度 boost.
  • Fire Remnant icon
    Both Fire Remnant and the Activate Fire Remnant icon 激活殘焰 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Fire Remnant when either was the last cast spell. Rubick's fire remnants use his model. Upon losing the spell, Rubick stops traveling to fire remants if he was, but still existing fire remnants and the status buff icons indicating their duration remain. However, these remnants can no longer be used upon re-stealing the spell before they expire. Whenever Rubick steals the spells, he has all 3 charges, regardless of how many he had left from previous casts.
  • Enchant icon
    When Enchantress and Rubick enchant the same creep, the Enchant duration does not refresh. Only refreshes duration when cast on already owned enchanted creeps.
  • Chronosphere icon
    Faceless Void is immune to Rubick's Chronosphere and can freely act inside it, but does not gain the 移動速度 boost and other units under his control are not immune. Rubick and units under his control do not become immune to Faceless Void's Chronospheres while having Chronosphere stolen and only gain the 移動速度 boost in his own Chronosphere.
  • Invoke icon
    Quas icon , Wex icon , Exort icon and Invoke icon 元素祈喚 cannot be stolen, so if one of them was the last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead. Rubick will steal the most recently cast spell with Invoker's current level of Quas, Wex and Exort.
  • Forge Spirit icon
    When Rubick summons 熔爐精靈s, loses the spell and re-steals it, he can summon new forged spirits without losing the ones from the previous steal.
  • Tether icon
    Both, Tether and the Break Tether icon 斷開連接 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Tether when either was the last cast spell. Tether immediately breaks upon losing the spell.
  • Spirits icon
    The Lua錯誤 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:無法找到"拉近幽魂"的Cargo數據 and Lua錯誤 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:無法找到"拉遠幽魂"的Cargo數據 sub-spell does not count as a spell cast, so if either was Io's last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead. Upon casting Spirits, it gets replaced by the 2 sub-spells until they expire. Spirits immediately explode upon losing the spell.
  • Illuminate icon
    Both, Illuminate and the Release Illuminate icon 釋放衝擊波 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Illuminate when either was the last cast spell.
  • X Marks the Spot icon
    Both X Marks the Spot and the Return (Kunkka) icon 送回 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick X Marks the Spot when either was the last cast spell. When Rubick loses the spell while a unit is currently affected by it, it gets immediately returned to the X.
  • Infest icon
    Rubick does not gain the Control icon 控制 sub-spell, so he cannot take control over infested creeps.
  • Finger of Death icon
    Rubick will not keep the damage stacks from Finger of Death once he loses the spell by any means.
  • Summon Spirit Bear icon
    Rubick's bear does not have Lone Druid's 物品, but Rubick can equip his bear with his own items. Upon losing the spell, the bear instantly dies and drops all its items where it died. The bear dies if Rubick dies, even with the Aghanim's Scepter upgrade. Rubick's Spirit Bear does not have Savage Roar icon 野蠻咆哮.
  • True Form icon
    Both True Form and the Druid Form icon 人形態 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick True Form when either was the last cast spell. Rubick returns to his normal form upon losing the spell. However, if Rubick loses the spell during its transformation, he permanently stays in bear form, even through death, until he re-steals it and then loses it again.
  • Eclipse icon
    Rubick's Eclipse beams damage is based on the level of Lucent Beam icon 月光 Luna had as the spell was stolen.
  • Summon Wolves icon
    When Rubick summons wolves, loses the spell and re-steals it, he can summon new wolves without losing the ones from the previous steal.
  • Shapeshift icon
    Since Shapeshift doesn't affect the user's attack properties, Rubick keeps his 攻擊範圍 and other ranged attack properties. The 移動速度 bonus affects every unit under his control, even the ones summoned with a previously stolen spell. Transforms Rubick into a smaller wolf than Lycan.
  • God's Rebuke icon
    Does not apply the damage immediately, instead apply in the form of attacks to the targets using Rubick's projectile, so the damage can be dodged just like regular ranged attacks.
  • Mystic Snake icon
    Rubick's mystic Snake deals 純粹 damage to units he petrified before with a stolen Stone Gaze icon 石化凝視.
  • Poof icon
    Rubick can poof towards his own 幻象. Rubick is not able to instantly cast this spell, and has to use the 1.5-second cast time.
  • Divided We Stand icon
    Rubick can steal spells from Meepo clones. He gets whatever spell the targeted clone used.
  • Boundless Strike icon
    Rubick is not able to instantly cast this spell, and has to use the 0.4-second cast time. Does not apply the damage immediately, instead apply in the form of attacks to the targets using Rubick's projectile, so the damage can be dodged just like regular ranged attacks.
  • Tree Dance icon
    Rubick also gets Primal Spring icon 乾坤之躍 when Tree Dance is stolen. When Rubick is on a tree, no tree is highlighted to indicate the cast range. Rubick is not properly hidden from sight, standing close to his tree reveals him (due to his bigger collision size), 空中視野 is not needed to see him. When Rubick loses Tree Dance on a tree, he automatically gets unperched.
  • Primal Spring icon
    Rubick also gets Tree Dance icon 叢林之舞 when Primal Spring is stolen. When Rubick loses Primal Spring while 持續施法 it, it gets canceled and makes no effect at all.
  • Mischief icon
    Mischief or its sub-spell does not count as a spell cast, so if it was the last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead.
  • Wukong's Command icon
    Rubick is not able to instantly cast this spell, and has to use the 1.2-second cast time. Upon losing Wukong's Command when it is still in effect or when there are still separate Aghs soldiers, the soldiers stop attacking or moving immediately and provides vision until they disappeared. The armor bonus still persists for the remaining duration or until Rubick leaves the leadership range.
  • Attribute Shift (Agility Gain) icon
    Any changes to Rubick's 力量 and 敏捷 through Attribute Shift are not reverted upon losing the spell. The changes are permanent.
  • Attribute Shift (Strength Gain) icon
    Any changes to Rubick's 力量 and 敏捷 through Attribute Shift are not reverted upon losing the spell. The changes are permanent.
  • Morph icon
    Morph and it's sub-spell cannot be stolen, so if either was the last cast spell, Rubick could not cast Spell Steal on Morphling until Morphling cast other spells.
  • Rip Tide icon
    Rubick's 幻象 perform the fake-cast upon cast as well.
  • Song of the Siren icon
    The Song of the Siren End icon 終止海妖之歌 sub-spell does not count as a spell cast, so if it was Naga Siren's last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead. Persists if Rubick loses the spell during its active, but he can no longer end it with the sub-spell.
  • Teleportation icon
    Rubick is not able to instantly cast this spell, and has to use the 3-second cast time.
  • Dark Ascension icon
    Does not grants Rubick 空中視野 when activated. Unlike Night Stalker, Rubick still triggers and takes damage from Proximity Mines icon 感應地雷 during it.
  • Burrow icon
    Both Burrow and the Unburrow icon 現身 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Burrow when either was the last cast spell. When Burrow is lost, Rubick automatically unburrows. Burrow does not affect any of Rubick's spells. Has an instant cast time for Rubick.
  • Multicast icon
    Rubick cannot multicast any stolen spells or items.
  • 歿境神蝕者 - [[歿境神蝕者#|]]
    Rubick's and Outworld Destroyer's Sanity's Eclipse fully affect heroes affected by Astral Imprisonment icon 星體禁錮, no matter who cast it.
  • Rolling Thunder icon
    Both Rolling Thunder and the Stop Rolling icon 停止滾動 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Rolling Thunder when either was the last cast spell. Rubick does not need to turn to cast spells or use items during Rolling Thunder. Persists if Rubick loses it when activated, but then Rubick can't stop it with the sub-spell.
  • Stifling Dagger icon
    Rubick's Stifling Dagger cannot 致命一擊.
  • Icarus Dive icon
    Both Icarus Dive and the Stop Icarus Dive icon 終止鳳凰衝擊 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Icarus Dive when either was the last cast spell. When Rubick loses the spell during the dive, it immediately ends.
  • Fire Spirits icon
    Both Fire Spirits and the Launch Fire Spirit icon 發動烈火精靈 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Fire Spirits when either was the last cast spell. When Rubick loses the spell, existing Fire Spirits immediately disappear.
  • Sun Ray icon
    Neither Sun Ray's 2 sub-spells Toggle Movement icon 切換移動狀態 nor Stop Sun Ray icon 終止烈日炙烤 counts as spell cast, so if either was Phoenix's last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead. When Rubick loses the spell during Sun Ray, it immediately ends.
  • Illusory Orb icon
    Both Illusory Orb and Ethereal Jaunt icon 靈動之翼 are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Illusory Orb when either was the last cast spell.
  • Phase Shift icon
    持續施法 is not interrupted upon losing the spell.
  • Dismember icon
    Rubick's responses upon casting Dismember are not global and only audible to him. His Dismember also does not use blade ringing sounds.
  • Decrepify icon
    When Pugna and Rubick cast Decrepify on the same unit, they refresh the debuff duration from each other. However, the 減速 and 魔法抗性 reductions are determined by the hero who placed the buff/debuff first.
  • Tricks of the Trade icon
    持續施法 is not interrupted upon losing the spell.
  • Spell Steal icon
    Rubick technically can steal Telekinesis icon 隔空取物 or Fade Bolt icon 弱化能流 and Spell Steal, but doing so has no effect, since he already has those spells.
  • Disruption icon
    Stolen Shadow Demon spells does not affect any enemy unit affected by Disruption, neither do Shadow Demon's own spells affect any unit put into Disruption by Rubick. Except for Demonic Purge icon 邪惡淨化, which always deals damage to the target affected by Disruption.
  • Shadow Poison icon
    The Shadow Poison Release icon 釋放暗影毒 sub-spell does not count as a spell cast, so if it was Shadow Demon's last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead.
  • Shadowraze (Medium) icon
    Upon stealing Shadowraze, Rubick gains only the last cast one, not all three. The stack debuff and damage works normally, meaning that stolen Shadowrazes can stack damage with each other as Shadow Fiend minimap icon 影魔's do.
  • Requiem of Souls icon
    Rubick is not able to instantly cast this spell, and has to use the 1.67-second cast time. Rubick's Requiem of Souls releases waves based on the number of souls Shadow Fiend had as the spell was stolen. He cannot increase the soul count by himself.
  • Shadow Dance icon
    Rubick also gains the passive 移動速度 and 生命恢復 boost of Shadow Dance upon stealing it.
  • Shrapnel icon
    Unlike other charge-based spells, Rubick only gets the initial 3 charges for the first time of stealing.
  • Assassinate icon
    Rubick is not able to instantly cast this spell, and has to use the 2-second cast time.
  • Spectral Dagger icon
    The paths of Spectre's and Rubick's dagger don't interfere with each other. Each only buffs their casting hero. When Rubick loses the spell, he instantly loses the unobstructed pathing, despite the path being still there and still gaining the 移動速度 boost from it.
  • Haunt icon
    Both Haunt and the Reality icon 空降 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Haunt when either was the last cast spell.
  • Shadow Step icon
    Stealing Shadow Step will act as normal, but the Reality icon 空降 sub-spell when cast on a Shadow Step illusion will still grant Haunt.
  • Charge of Darkness icon
    Rubick's Charge of Darkness does not apply Greater Bash icon 巨力重擊 on any target.
  • Static Remnant icon
    Rubick's static remnants use his model.
  • Minefield Sign icon
    Minefield Sign does not count as a spell cast, so if it was the last cast spell, the previous spell is stolen instead.
  • Proximity Mines icon
    Proximity Mines do not disappear after Rubick loses the spell.
  • Stasis Trap icon
    Rubick is not able to instantly cast this spell, and has to use the 1-second cast time. Stasis Traps do not disappear after Rubick loses the spell.
  • Remote Mines icon
    The Focused Detonate icon 集中引爆 sub-spell does not count as a spell cast, so if it was the last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead. Rubick is not able to instantly cast this spell, and has to use the 1-second cast time.
  • Meld icon
    Meld persists if Rubick loses it while melding.
  • Psionic Trap icon
    Both Psionic Trap and the Trap icon 觸發陷阱 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Psionic Trap when either was the last cast spell. Psionic Traps do not disappear after losing the spell, and can still be triggered via their own sub-spells, but only dealing level 1 damage and not amplified by Rubick's 技能增強 for stolen spell talent.
  • Metamorphosis icon
    Using Metamorphosis does not increase Rubick's 攻擊範圍. Transforms Rubick into a smaller demon than Terrorblade.
  • Chakram icon
    Both Chakram and the Return Chakram icon 收回鋸齒飛輪 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Chakram when either was the last cast spell. Upon losing the spell while the Chakram is currently out, it instantly returns to Rubick without having to travel, but it still deals an instant of travel damage to units around Rubick. When losing the spell without having it used, it leaves a permanent harmless Chakram at Rubick's location. All this also goes for the blue File:Chakram 2 icon.png Chakram.
  • Tree Grab icon
    Both Tree Grab and the Tree Throw icon 扔樹 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Tree Grab when either was the last cast spell. Decreases Rubick's 攻擊範圍. When Rubick uses the Tree Throw sub-spell to throw the tree, visually throws his staff instead. The effect persists if Rubick loses the spell while still wielding a tree, but he can no longer throw it through the sub-spell. Re-stealing the spell while wielding a previously grabbed tree results in an available Tree Grab skill. Grabbing a new tree refreshes the attack counter. However, it does not gain Rubick the sub-spell but turn the spell inactive instead. In this case, after using up all attack instances, icon and hotkey issues will occur.
  • Eyes In The Forest icon
    Upon losing the spell, Rubick's enchantment on 樹木 he made disappear all instantly.
  • Berserker's Rage icon
    Both toggling Berserker's Rage on and off are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Berserker's Rage when either action was the last cast spell. All effects fully apply on Rubick upon toggling it on. He turns into a melee hero and gains a passive ensnare. However, upon toggling it off, he gains his 600 攻擊範圍 back and loses all the bonuses, but still stays as a melee hero, meaning his attacks hit instant, can't miss uphill and are treated as melee by 物品. Returns normal when he loses the spell.
  • Snowball icon
    Both Snowball and the Launch Snowball icon 雪球滾滾 sub-spell are registered as spell cast and grant Rubick Snowball when either was the last cast spell. When Rubick loses the spell during Snowball, it gets immediately ends where it is, releasing all units in it.
  • Walrus Kick icon
    Walrus Kick cannot be stolen, so if it was the last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead.
  • Walrus Punch icon
    Although it is an active attack modifier, Rubick can still steal it. Passive procs after Tusk minimap icon 巨牙海民 choosing the talent do not count. Uses Rubick's attack projectile. Together with this projectile, visually also launches another projectile with an Rubick's model and white green glow around it. Shows "SUCKER PUNCH!" instead when it hits the target. If Rubick loses the spell before it hits the target, only deals damage and no other effects are applied.
  • Flesh Golem icon
    Since Flesh Golem doesn't affect the user's attack properties, Rubick keeps his 攻擊範圍 and other ranged attack properties. Transforms Rubick into a smaller abomination than Undying. Rubick stays in Flesh Golem form even after death.
  • Plague Ward icon
    Rubick's Plague Wards will have Venomancer's current level of Poison Sting icon 毒刺. Rubick's own attacks will also have Poison Sting and deal full Poison Sting damage.
  • Summon Familiars icon
    The Stone Form (Familiar) icon 石像形態 sub-spell does not count as a spell cast, so if it was Visage's last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead. Does not grant Rubick the sub-spell as well. Upon losing the spell, all of Rubick's 傭獸 die instantly.
  • Arctic Burn icon
    Rubick gains every aspect of the spell upon using (except that he triggers and takes damage from Proximity Mines icon 感應地雷 during it): the reduced attack point, the attack range, night vision, free pathing and the attack modifier. The attack modifier applys to attacks only when Rubick keeps the spell on him.
  • Mortal Strike icon
    Though Mortal Strike can be cast, it cannot be stolen, so if it was the last cast spell, the previous spell was stolen instead.

Aghanim's Scepter interactions[]

Rubick's Aghanim's Scepter upgrade causes most stolen spells to be upgraded. There are a very few exceptions. Some of the upgrades are in direct connection with the original hero's other spells. Details about those can be found in the following list. There also are some Aghanim's upgrades which Rubick can't use at all, which are listed below as well. Every not mentioned spell with an Aghanim's upgrade fully works for Rubick.

In some cases multiple spells from a single hero are upgraded. The Aghanim's upgrade works independently for each of them and applies the according bonus.

Transformation spells[]

Multiple transformation spells can be stolen, and fully stack with each other.

  • All these spells can be used after each other and during the duration of other transformation spells.
  • If 幻象 can benefit from a transformation spell, they will do so when illusions of Rubick are created, no matter how many transformation spells are stacked.
  • 基礎攻擊間隔 changing transformation spells:
    • Chemical Rage icon 化學狂暴 will reduce Rubick's base attack time to that given by the spell at the level that Alchemist minimap icon 鍊金術士 had when the spell was stolen.
    • It doesn't matter when True Form icon 真熊形態 is cast (before or after Chemical Rage), it will never override the base attack time changes from Chemical Rage icon 化學狂暴.
  • Melee and ranged attack proterties:
    • Neither Metamorphosis icon 魔化, nor Elder Dragon Form icon 真龍形態 increase Rubick's attack range, no matter what other transformation spell he currently has active.
    • Arctic Burn icon 嚴寒燒灼 however, does increase his attack range to his own attack range + what the spell provides.
    • While having True Form icon 真熊形態 or Berserker's Rage icon 狂戰士之怒 active, Rubick will always attack as a melee hero, no matter what other transformation spells he currently has active. When combined with Arctic Burn icon 嚴寒燒灼, he still attacks as melee unit but at a greater distance.
    • However, Arctic Burn icon 嚴寒燒灼 will not place the debuff on enemies when used together with Berserker's Rage or True Form, as Arctic Burn relies on attack projectiles, which Rubick doesn't use during those spells.
    • Toggling Berserker's Rage icon 狂戰士之怒 off behaves the same way as with no other transformation active, he gains his attack range back, but still has melee attack properties. He regains his ranged attack properties upon losing the spell.
    • True Form icon 真熊形態 or Berserker's Rage icon 狂戰士之怒 together with Flak Cannon icon 高射火炮 or Split Shot icon 分裂箭 causes all the extra projectiles to hit units within range instantly.
      Despite the visual effects, the modifiers from level 2 and 3 Elder Dragon Form icon 真龍形態, Arctic Burn icon 嚴寒燒灼, Berserker's Rage icon 狂戰士之怒 and Shapeshift icon 變身 are applied to the main target only. Secondary targets from Split Shot and Flak Cannon are not hit by those modifiers.
  • Visual appearance:
    • Every model-changing transformation spell transforms Rubick into a smaller version of the original.
    • Rubick will change into the form of the last cast transformation spell. If the last cast one expires, he will change into the previous cast transformation spell.
    • The only exception here is Metamorphosis icon 魔化, which has priority over every other transformation spells. Rubick will stay in the demon form until it expires or he dies, regardless of other transformation spells.
    • Particle effects of all transformation spells persist. They are not overridden by each other.
    • Attacks projectiles follow the same logic. Rubick will use the attack projectiles of the last cast transformation spell, if it expires, then the previous cast one.