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Lycan minimap icon 狼人 is a remarkable pusher and split-pusher that can wear down the enemies and force them to react quickly to his regular tower onslaughts; as towers melt incredibly fast under his and his minions' pressure, boosted by their canine Feral Impulse icon 野性驱使. His only contribution to full-on team fights will be the bonus damage he grants with Howl icon 嗥叫 to his allies, his allies' summons, his owns summons and himself... And his formidable right-click power. Else he can surge out of the woods for a quick gank or push after he transformed with Shapeshift icon 变身, moving well above the traditional maximum 522 movement speed. Finally, good players will make the best usage of his Summon Wolves icon 召狼 ability and scout the enemies' position while remaining undetected since they're invisible when maxed out.
优点 缺点
  • Great jungler.
  • Can take out Roshan by himself.
  • Terrific pusher.
  • Can require some help in the laning stage.
  • Reliant on BKB for protection.
  • No reliable disables.
  • Little team fight contribution.
  • Needs correct micro-management and decision-making to get the most out of him.


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+2 召Lycan Wolf icon 数量25+32% Shapeshift icon 变身致命一击概率
+25% Feral Impulse icon 野性驱使攻击力20+5秒 Shapeshift icon 变身持续时间
8% 冷却时间减少15+75 Shapeshift icon 变身移动速度
+15 攻击力10+8 Feral Impulse icon 野性驱使生命恢复
  • 攻击力天赋以攻击力加成的形式增加。
    • 幻象不能从中获益,也不受大多数百分比伤害增加或降低效果影响。
  • 多个百分比冷却降低来源不叠加。拥有较高数值的优先级较高。


  • Lycan will most commonly be played in the safelane. With a starting point in Feral Impulse icon 野性驱使, you should have around 70 damage which should make last hits a breeze, especially if you add a Quelling Blade icon 压制之刃 on top of that. It won't be wasted since you will eventually transition to the jungle where there is little incentive not to get one. The reasoning with skipping Summon Wolves icon 召狼 at level 1 is that your mana pool is disastrous so you'll hardly summon them more than once, and level 1 wolves don't do much, especially without a point in your passive
  • With level 2 wolves however, consider harassing the offlaner. Focus on your last hits with the hero, and try to zone out the offlaner with the wolves. Unlike Beastmaster minimap icon 兽王's summons, your wolves give only a small bounty when killed, so it's not too bad if a couple die during the process.
  • Once you've farmed a Ring of Basilius icon 王者之戒, Boots of Speed icon 速度之靴 and a Morbid Mask icon 吸血面具, you should consider going to the jungle and leaving the lane to your supports. The reason for this is you won't waste any farm in the jungle as you farm it extremely fast with wolves and your passive, which your supports probably don't, therefore giving your team a considerable edge in experience.
    • There are plenty of reasons however to not go to the jungle:
      • Maybe your mid lane requires constant protection from your supports, and it is usually a bad idea to abandon entirely a lane. In this case you might as well alternate between the lane and the closest big camp and try to farm both.
      • Maybe the enemy offlaner got a considerable amount of exp, and they could kill your supports if you leave them alone.
      • Maybe your supports are already farming the jungle, like a Crystal Maiden minimap icon 水晶室女 with Frostbite icon 冰封禁制 or a Treant Protector minimap icon 树精卫士 with an Iron Talon icon 寒铁钢爪.
      • Maybe the jungle is unsafe because the enemies have a roamer or two like Bounty Hunter minimap icon 赏金猎人 and/or Pudge minimap icon 帕吉 and you have no vision to see them coming, and you'd rather stay safe with your supports. You should probably consider taking down the enemies' tower as fast as possible to get an edge in map-control in this scenario.
  • Once you've finished your Vladmir's Offering icon 弗拉迪米尔的祭品, figure out whether you need to upgrade your boots into Power Treads icon 动力鞋 or you can them as is until you require Boots of Travel icon 远行鞋. Similarly, if you're confident in your ability to use a Medallion of Courage icon 勇气勋章 on the appropriate target (Roshan, or the enemy you're chasing), go for it. Else you can skip it, or simply keep a casual Blight Stone icon 枯萎之石.
  • Lycan is probably the hero that benefits the most from a Necronomicon icon 死灵书 since the summons will benefit from Feral Impulse icon 野性驱使 and Shapeshift icon 变身 (critical strike and 650 movement speed), AND their aura will also make your own wolves stronger... There are few scenarios where you want to skip it. Although they can be inefficient in a fight, they'll always be great to take down towers. For your final items, you will either want something to take down towers even quicker (Desolator icon 黯灭 and Assault Cuirass icon 强袭胸甲) or to start properly fighting your enemies (Skull Basher icon 碎颅锤 and Black King Bar icon 黑皇杖)


  • Howl icon 嗥叫 is actually a great ability. It's so good we even choose to max it out before the final point in Feral Impulse icon 野性驱使 on the generic build (Feral Impulse scales linearly whereas extra points in Howl also comes with cooldown reduction). If your team has a couple of summons and auras of its own (Chen minimap icon and Beastmaster minimap icon 兽王 for the obvious examples), and the opposition lacks methods to clear creep waves and summons, you can force all outer towers very early in the game. With the map-control advantage, you should be able to take down Roshan and possibly push for high ground and/or the throne before the twenty-minute mark.
  • Since Lycan will still require a decent amount of experience to be effective, you may consider putting him in the mid lane to get his levels. As mentioned previously, his huge base damage should allow him to get his last hits (you can even use howl to secure them further) and perhaps some denies, and he can possibly harass the enemy mid laner with his wolves.
  • In this scenario , you'll still want to rush Vladmir's Offering icon 弗拉迪米尔的祭品 except if someone else on your team is better suited for it. You probably won't want to skip Power Treads icon 动力鞋 since you'll want to finish the game as soon as possible so you'll need mid game items. Maybe a level 1 Necronomicon icon 死灵书 will be more than enough and before upgrading it you can get an Armlet of Mordiggian icon 莫尔迪基安的臂章 or a Crimson Guard icon 赤红甲 to tank some tower shots at little cost.

小贴士 & 技巧[]


  • When taking on Roshan, it is advised to use a Smoke of Deceit icon 诡计之雾 to avoid being spotted by enemy observer wards. Teams facing a Lycan will do their best to prevent early Roshan kills by planting observer wards near the pit; given that a detected Lycan is easy prey while doing battle with Roshan, slipping past those wards will do wonders for his lifespan.
  • At level 7, with items like Vladmir's Offering icon 弗拉迪米尔的祭品 and Power Treads icon 动力鞋 or Medallion of Courage icon 勇气勋章, Lycan can solo Roshan. Summon your Wolves and tank them alternately with the hero, but do not let them die until the re-summon is ready. Keep Shapeshift just in case the enemy comes for you, so you can escape.
  • Any item that provides armor reduction (Desolator, Medallion, Assault Cuirass) or an aura benefits both the wolves and the Necronomicon units. Keep in mind that the melee Necronomicon Warrior has the lowest Base Attack Time of the game of 0.75 seconds, which makes him scale really well with Howl's flat damage bonus. Adding reduced armor to the mix will considerably increase your total DPS.


  • Be sure to try and keep your wolves alive as long as possible, do not use them to tank damage unless their timer is low.
  • Be wary of centaurs in the jungle, if you and both of your wolves are near to the large blue centaur, it will use a stun. Avoid this by having one wolf wait away from the centaur and bringing it in after the large centaur is dead.
  • After reaching level 6, keep an eye on the other lanes, if an opportunity presents itself, don't be afraid to activate Shapeshift icon 变身 and go for a gank.
  • If the enemy middle player is a squishy hero like Sniper minimap icon 狙击手, you can typically kill them even if they are on full health while affected by Shapeshift icon 变身.


Summon Wolves icon 召狼[]

  • Wolves can be used to scout runes at the beginning of the match and during the laning phase to avoid losing gold and experience.
  • Always Summon Wolves in the base when going out to jungle for the first time (at about the 0-10 second mark) since the wolves are fast enough that you can get a creep camp killed without using any mana.
  • Wolves' invisibility at level 3, very low base attack time and quick movement make them great deniers. Use them to destroy runes, aegis and allied towers with all impunity if the situation is too risky, or too far away for you to go there in person. The most talented players will even manage to entirely body-block a hero in a narrow path with both wolves, and possibly deny yourself if certain debuffs are placed on Lycan.
  • Wolves can also be used to scout and keep tabs on particular heroes without them knowing. Select your wolf and hit M (default) and then click an enemy hero; the wolf will follow the hero but will not attack, so it will remain invisible. Do this with each wolf and you can get constant vision of two enemy heroes. This is great for setting up ganks or for evaluating whether to take a team fight in a particular area. Keep in mind that if your wolves lose vision of who they are following for too long, they stop following.
  • You can also use the wolves' invisibility to sneak past the enemy lines and teleport to them using Boots of Travel icon 远行鞋, hitting one tier 3 while allied creeps disabled Backdoor Protection on another.

Howl icon 嗥叫[]

  • Always keep an eye on the minimap. Save Howl to give teammates a decent damage boost, aiding them in fighting and securing kills.
  • If the enemy somehow denies plenty of their creeps, the +14 damage from a level 1 one Howl will go a long way to help you securing them.

Feral Impulse icon 野性驱使[]

  • As the description says, the aura is applied to every unit under Lycan's control. This includes his wolves obviously, his Necronomicon icon 死灵书 units and any unit he might have under control through purchase of one or more Helm of the Dominator icon 支配头盔(s)
  • You can control even more units with Ability Draft shenanigans.

Shapeshift icon 变身[]

  • Shapeshift is a very strong and versatile Ultimate to use. When activated, it gives Lycan hasted movement speed, allowing a great deal of maneuverability in battle to chase down fleeing heroes or to escape from potentially dangerous areas. While Shapeshifted, you are immune to every kind of Slow, including hexes, purges and powerful slowing ultimates like Epicenter icon 地震, Freezing Field icon 极寒领域.
  • Up to a certain extent, once you start relying on your fast movement speed, you are more vulnerable to root effects like Pit of Malice icon 怨念深渊 or Frostbite icon 冰封禁制, especially since Lycan seldom builds a Manta Style icon 幻影斧.
  • Shapeshift is an aura and the 650 movement speed is shared with units under his control allowing the wolves and Necronomicon units to chase as well. Unlike Feral Impulse, the aura is global; if you're desperate to get a bit of damage on a building (to finish it off?) you can always use Shapeshift and only send your summons in.




  • Power Treads icon 动力鞋 gives you movement speed, attack speed, and some extra damage and durability while set on strength.
  • Ring of Basilius icon 王者之戒 gives extra armor to your wolves, extra mana regeneration for yourself, and later builds into Vladmir's Offering icon 弗拉迪米尔的祭品.
  • Blight Stone icon 枯萎之石 is the cheapest item that will improve your wolves' damage output by reducing your targets' armor. It can be upgraded into a Medallion of Courage icon 勇气勋章 or a Desolator icon 黯灭.


  • Vladmir's Offering icon 弗拉迪米尔的祭品 gives lifesteal, damage, and armor in an aura, so his wolves get more powerful as well. The mana regeneration also helps with his small mana pool.
  • File:死灵书 等级3 icon.png 死灵书 等级3 is the default option on Lycan. The extra strength and intelligence is always nice too.
  • Black King Bar icon 黑皇杖 is useful on many melee heroes. Lycan is no exception as more strength and temporary magic immunity let him get to his target and deal more damage when he gets there.


  • Soul Ring icon 灵魂之戒 is an alternative source of mana in the early game, which can be useful considering Summon Wolves icon 召狼's high mana cost of 145.
  • Medallion of Courage icon 勇气勋章 is usually the better choice over Soul Ring, as it enables you to take out Roshan by your lonesome self. It can also be upgraded into a Solar Crest icon 炎阳纹章. It can be difficult to properly micro-manage your minions while using your items' abilities so you can also skip it if you don't feel like doing too many things at once.
  • Skull Basher icon 碎颅锤 is a reliable-ish way to add a disable to your arsenal and stop someone. It can be upgraded later to an Abyssal Blade icon 深渊之刃 through purchase of a Vanguard icon 先锋盾 which isn't the worse either on Lycan.
  • Heaven's Halberd icon 天堂之戟 gives Lycan's attacks a chance to lesser maim; slowing opponents attack and move speed helping him chase them down, with additional evasion.
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon 恐鳌之心 greatly increases health and health regeneration allowing Lycan to tank more effectively. The damage gained from it is also entirely from strength, which is amplified by both Feral Impulse and Vladmir's Offering. Lycan can also run out of a fight with Shapeshift icon 变身 at very low HP and come right back into it after a short rest.
  • Boots of Travel icon 远行鞋 are highly recommended late game, or when the enemies tier 3 tower or barracks are vulnerable. Whenever the enemy tries to push, go to a lone lane and split push as much as you can. Lycan is arguably one of the best heroes at taking down towers fast, due to this enemies will have to send someone back to deal with you. However, if a teamfight starts anyways, you can teleport back to help your allies instead.
  • Desolator icon 黯灭 improves Lycan's tower pushing and increases his damage. It also synergizes with an Assault Cuirass icon 强袭胸甲 pickup and creates a huge armor disparity.
  • Assault Cuirass icon 强袭胸甲 gives armor, attack speed to Lycan and his allies (including his minions), and reduces the opponents' armor (including their towers').
  • Moon Shard icon 银月之晶 is an interesting choice on Lycan. Many players love to split-push and avoid fights while playing Lycan. Few items will help you take down towers faster than a Moon Shard, but it gives no other benefit except a bit of extra night vision (but you don't need any other benefits if you're avoiding fights and only hitting buildings).
  • Monkey King Bar icon 金箍棒 gives you a good chance to cancel the enemies channeled abilities including Town Portal Scroll icon 回城卷轴s. It can be necessary when facing tons of evasion or blind effects such as Keeper of the Light minimap icon 光之守卫's Blinding Light icon 致盲之光 or Phantom Assassin minimap icon 幻影刺客's Blur icon 魅影无形. It's one of the few scenarios where you may opt to skip entirely Necronomicon icon 死灵书.
  • Shadow Blade icon 影刃 gives good an extra tool for initiation or escape, and is a favourite for ganking players. The bonus damage coming out of stealth is always helpful. It can be further upgraded into a Silver Edge icon 白银之锋.