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Release Illuminate icon
▶️ 人多好辦事。


▶️ I am a beacon of knowledge blazing out across a black sea of ignorance.


Phantom Lancer icon
  • 主宰的無敵斬會被幻影長矛手的分身技能輕易躲避,並且生成的幻象能夠大量分擔無敵斬的傷害,使得主宰不敢以幻影長矛手作為擊殺目標。
  • 幻影長矛手的核心裝備淨魂之刃,可以迅速清空主宰的魔力值,使得其不能釋放治療守衛,劍刃風暴以及無敵斬。
  • 其它幻象系英雄,如娜迦海妖,恐怖利刃,混沌騎士,對主宰也有一定克制效果。
Clinkz icon
  • 抓住時機,克林克茲可以使用紫苑單殺主宰。
  • 克林克茲的高額傷害對力量成長不足的主宰是一大威脅。
Axe icon
  • 斧王能夠無視主宰的劍刃風暴,將逃跑的主宰拽住。
  • 反擊螺旋的純粹傷害對血少的主宰是個威脅。
  • 斧王強健的體魄可以硬吃無敵斬,尤其在開啟了戰吼時。
  • 斧王可以選擇刃甲,這件裝備可以利用主宰的攻擊能力反噬自身。
  • 其它帶有能夠無視技能免疫的限制技能的英雄,如軍團指揮官,復仇之魂等,對主宰有一定壓制力。
Outworld Destroyer icon
  • 智力成長低下的主宰是神智之蝕極好的秒殺目標。與此同時,奧數天球能夠貫穿主宰堅硬的護甲,造成純粹傷害,打擊其貧瘠的生命值。
  • 神智之蝕減少40%的最大魔力值,使主宰在團戰中無法釋放多個技能。
  • 黑鳥的二技能可以躲避無敵斬,其它擁有躲避無敵斬技能的英雄也可以用來克制主宰, 如暗影惡魔, 戴澤, 全能騎士, 痛苦之源, 帕格納, 巨牙海民以及寒冬飛龍。
Windranger icon
  • 風行者的風行技能給予自身100%閃避,因此主宰的無敵斬無法對其造成傷害(除非他額外裝備具有克敵機先的道具)。此外,風行給予風行者的高移動速度也可使她在遭受劍刃風暴時快速脫離危險,缺乏機動能力的主宰無法有效追蹤風行者。
  • 風行者的終極技能集中火力是物理傷害並且無視魔法免疫,因此即使主宰釋放劍刃風暴甚至開啟黑皇杖,風行者仍然能夠對其造成全額傷害;在劍聖開啟無敵斬時雖然無法對其造成傷害,但是集中火力不會丟失目標,可在無敵斬結束後繼續輸出。
Ursa icon
  • 主宰需要近身釋放自己的攻擊技能, 但熊戰士能在短時間內造成大量物理傷害,對主宰造成致命打擊,並且不會被劍刃風暴阻擋。
  • 熊戰士的大招既能頂住主宰的大招,又能造成巨額傷害秒殺主宰。



  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon Eul的神聖法杖, Ghost Scepter icon 幽魂權杖, Force Staff icon 原力法杖 and Hurricane Pike icon 颶風長戟 can be activated to break Omnislash.
  • Shadow Blade icon 影刃/Silver Edge icon 白銀之鋒 or Glimmer Cape icon 微光披風 can also break Omnislash if Juggernaut doesn't have True Sight. Be aware that he can still use Dust of Appearance icon 顯影之塵 while Omnislashing.
  • Skull Basher icon 碎顱錘/Abyssal Blade icon 深淵之刃 pierce spell immunity, making a Blade Fury teleport escape attempt not guaranteed.
  • Blade Mail icon 刃甲's return damage is especially good because Juggernaut's damage output is much higher than his own health. If not careful Juggernaut can kill himself surprisingly quickly. Coupled with a taunt such as Duel icon 決鬥 or Berserker's Call icon 狂戰士之吼, this item can ensure a kill on Juggernaut. Be aware, though, that Juggernaut is invulnerable while Omnislashing.
  • Lotus Orb icon 清蓮寶珠 can reflect Omnislash, effects only 1st slash. So you and Juggernaut both go invulnerable.


Invoker icon
  • Juggernaut's instant magic immunity helps him dodge Invoker's combos. He can dispel the disables from Cold Snap and Deafening Blast and dodge damage from Chaos Meteor, as well as walk through Ice Wall.
  • Juggernaut's high DPS allows him to kill split pushing Forge Spirits effortlessly, and his high armor prevents them from being a threat to him.
  • However, Invoker can hit Juggernaut with Sun Strike and EMP through Blade Fury, making the Tornado > Sunstrike or Tornado > EMP combo a threat if he does not dodge Tornado.
Keeper of the Light icon
  • Juggernaut's Healing Ward keeps his team healthy even when pushing against a Keeper of the Light's Illuminate.
  • Blade Fury can dispel Mana Leak and Blinding Light, as well as dodge an incoming Illuminate. Juggernaut can attack towers during Blade Fury, so he can dodge an Illuminate with it without having to stop pushing.
  • Keeper of the Light has low health and armor, and no natural defense against Omnislash.
Necrophos icon
  • Blade Fury cancel damage from Death Pulse and Reaper's Scythe.
  • Not only cancel damage, Blade Fury prevents longer death and disable buyback from Reaper's Scythe.
  • Necrophos has low mobility so Omnislash gives Juggernaut free kill. Except Necrophos has Lotus Orb and spend Echo Shell for 1st slash.
Phoenix icon
  • Juggernaut's high attack speed lets him destroy a Supernova easily. He can even attack a Supernova during Blade Fury, which dispels Phoenix's Fire Spirits attack slow.
  • Blade Fury protects Juggernaut from all of Phoenix's spells (except the stun from Sueprnova, if it isn't destroyed). Even with poor reaction time Juggernaut can easily prevent taking much damage from Phoenix.
  • Phoenix's Icarus Dive will not protect him from Omnislash unless he dives into creeps, and he has low armor, making him easy to solo kill.
Templar Assassin icon
  • Blade Fury's damage over time dispels Refraction almost instantly.
  • Juggernaut's high armor allows him to survive for long enough to remove Refraction and threaten her with Omnislash as long as he or his team carries detection.
  • TA's short attack range makes it difficult for her to target a well-placed healing ward. She cannot splash onto it with Psi Blades.
Zeus icon
  • Zeus has no way to damage a Juggernaut in Blade Fury.
  • Zeus's short attack range makes it difficult for him to target a well-placed healing ward. His Arc Lightning spam will have almost no effect on allies being healed by Juggernaut.
  • Zeus has no way to defend himself, even if Juggernaut cannot use Blade Fury. He can be easily taken out if cornered, sometimes even without Omnislash.


  • Any underfarmed hero without a skill or item to protect themselves can usually be taken out by Omnislash alone. A Juggernaut with a large gold lead should consider buying Aghanim's Scepter to get easy kills more often.
  • Immobile heroes with low attack range will have trouble taking out a Healing Ward if it is micromanaged away from them.
  • If Juggernaut builds a Diffusal Blade he can deal with a lot of the things that usually counter him, including purging himself if he is silenced or enemies who protect themselves with Ghost Scepter and Euls. It is also valuable for him to hold enemies down, as he is one of the few heroes in the game without any form of crowd control.
  • If enemy gankers rely on spells that don't pierce spell immunity to cancel teleports and deal damage, Juggernaut can escape almost any scenario by using Blade Fury and immediately teleporting away.


Crystal Maiden icon
  • During the laning phase, Crystal Maiden's Frostbite and Crystal Nova work very well in keeping enemies in range of Juggernaut's Blade Fury.
  • Her Arcane Aura is immensely helpful to Juggernaut, who constantly has mana issues.
Dazzle icon
  • Dazzle's ultimate, Weave, amplifies the physical damage dealt from Omnislash.
  • In the case that Juggernaut gets disabled and is unable to use any of his spells, Shallow Grave can keep Juggernaut alive for long enough to teleport out with Blade Fury, which only a few abilities can prevent from happening.
  • Dazzle's Poison Touch slows enemies so that Juggernaut can close the distance for Blade Fury.
Shadow Shaman icon
  • Shadow Shaman's Hex and Shackles pins down targets for Juggernaut to Omnislash and Blade Fury, especially those who have items or abilities that would otherwise prevent the successful use of these abilities.
  • Ether Shock is great for clearing out a creep wave, allowing Juggernaut to Omnislash without fear of slashes being wasted on creeps.
Venomancer icon
  • Venomous Gale is good set up for blade fury. Slow from auto-attacks helps with kills too and plague wards can be used to extend Venomancer's reach and protect juggernaut from ganks during the laning phase.
Zeus icon
  • Arc Lightning and Zeus's Wrath reveals of invisible heroes giving Juggernaut the opportunity to Omnislash them awhile.


