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以先手作为首要功能的英雄有Tidehunter minimap icon 潮汐猎人Earthshaker minimap icon 撼地者Sand King minimap icon 沙王Clockwerk minimap icon 发条技师Axe minimap icon 斧王Enigma minimap icon 谜团,和Vengeful Spirit minimap icon 复仇之魂。具备先手能力的英雄已经在下面列出来了。

Axe icon 斧王 Batrider icon 蝙蝠骑士 Beastmaster icon 兽王 Brewmaster icon 酒仙
Clockwerk icon 发条技师 Crystal Maiden icon 水晶室女 Dragon Knight icon 龙骑士 Earthshaker icon 撼地者
Enigma icon 谜团 Faceless Void icon 虚空假面 Huskar icon 哈斯卡 Invoker icon 祈求者
Kunkka icon 昆卡 Magnus icon 马格纳斯 Outworld Destroyer icon 殁境神蚀者 Phoenix icon 凤凰
Puck icon 帕克 Sand King icon 沙王 Shadow Fiend icon 影魔 Silencer icon 沉默术士
Slardar icon 斯拉达 Spirit Breaker icon 裂魂人 Sven icon 斯温 Tidehunter icon 潮汐猎人
Tiny icon 小小 Treant Protector icon 树精卫士 Vengeful Spirit icon 复仇之魂 Venomancer icon 剧毒术士
Warlock icon 术士 Wraith King icon 冥魂大帝






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Essentially, initiation is about disabling as much of the enemy as possible so that they cannot escape when your team starts assaulting the enemy. To achieve this easier, it is recommended that you have the means to catch the enemy by surprise by appearing in their midst unexpectedly. This allows you to land your AOE disable, since the enemy will have hardly any time to react. To surprise the enemy, oftentimes a Blink Dagger is used so that they have as little time to react as possible. If not, a 影刃 or an Rune of Invisibility can be used, but as this can be countered with a 真视宝石 it is not as good. Alternatively, if you have an ability that can stun a large area from afar, such as 小小's Avalanche, 术士's Chaotic Offering, or 拉席克's Split Earth, you can consider simply charging at your opponent and launching your stun, but beware that the opponent will have stunners too, and that a fraction of a second's slowness in casting could mean you getting stunned and them pulling off a successful initiation. In Dota, teamfights can be won in mere seconds, so one misstep could cost you a lot.

Heroes that can deal high AOE damage can also be considered initiators, because they force the enemy to scatter, and in some rare cases, flee (for example a well-used Echo Slam could slash a whole team's HP in half). In this case, the enemy will try to escape, and that is a prime opportunity or your team to charge in and massacre them all.

It is best to initiate at a place where the enemy cannot spread out. The goal of a teamfight is to eliminate as many of the opponent Heroes as possible, and so if you were to initiate in an open area, you could have many heroes going in many different directions. This limits the effectiveness of your follow-up Nukers' spells and makes it harder to wipe-out the enemy team (the most desired outcome of any teamfight).

Also, as mentioned at the start of this section, GOOD WARDING is imperative. Without detailed vision of the map, it becomes hard to know if that lone hero is merely bait for a teamfight you will not initiate. It becomes hard to know where exactly you should set your trap, and whether you can rush there in time to set up (the initiators' back-ups' positioning is vital).

"Strike when your enemy is most vulnerable." This is the basic principle that initiation will fulfill: your AOE disable will make the enemy vulnerable, and what's left is to have fun mopping up the foe.
