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Razor Guide Header


Razor minimap icon 剃刀 is a fast, tough anti-carry who steals the attack power from his enemies, and transfers it to himself. Armed with a Desolator icon 黯灭, he can quickly melt away 护甲 with Lua错误 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:无法找到"风暴之眼"的Cargo数据, allowing his team to cut through enemies with ease. However, Razor has no disables, and must rely on staying close to his targets and executing his abilities properly in order to be an effective damage dealer.
优点 缺点
  • Counters carries.
  • Strong lane presence.
  • Good starting Strength and Agility.
  • Fast movement speed.
  • Dependent on well-positioned abilities to deal damage.
  • Loses effectiveness against heroes with higher mobility.
  • Does not recover well from a bad early game.
  • No disables.


Generic Razor
Unknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown icon


+1 Eye of the Storm icon 风暴之眼目标25+80 攻击速度
-0.1秒 Eye of the Storm icon 风暴之眼打击间隔20+6秒 Static Link icon 静电连接吸取持续时间
+14 Strength attribute symbol 力量15+5 Static Link icon 静电连接攻击力吸取
+9 Agility attribute symbol 敏捷10+30 Plasma Field icon 等离子场伤害



  • Razor can be played in all lanes, but is most commonly played in mid. Because of his speed and durability, he is not extremely dependent on supports.
  • Razor is surprisingly durable compared to many carries, especially in the early to mid game. This advantage falls off in the late game, however, making him a medium carry.
  • Compared to other carries, Razor's autoattacks deal little damage. In order to hit hard, Razor relies on his Static Link to steal enemy damage, and Eye of the Storm to reduce their armor.
  • Razor's abilities are dependent on positioning, requiring him to chase and remain close to his targets.
  • Razor's ability effects and sounds cannot be seen or heard by the enemy when he is 隐身, allowing him to deal damage surreptiously with a Shadow Blade icon 影刃 or other means of invisibility.
  • Razor's autoattacks have a small delay after its visual effect before the damage is dealt. Time your animations accordingly.
  • Razor should be thought of as a hybrid between tankiness and damage, and his item build should reflect whichever his team needs more.
  • With Unstable Current, Eye of the Storm, and a few defensive items, Razor should aim to dominate the battlefield by placing himself directly in the middle of the fight.


Lua错误 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:无法找到"等离子场"的Cargo数据[]

  • Try to catch enemies with the edge of Plasma Field's radius, as this will deal maximum damage.
    • Consider moving away from the enemy after casting Plasma Field to accomplish this.
  • Use Plasma Field to harass enemies in lane. Keep in mind that this will also push the lane, however.
  • Use Plasma Field to pick off invisible enemies, or enemies juking in the trees.
  • Use Plasma Field across high ground and barriers to intimidate or finish off enemies.
  • Since Plasma Field's expanding radius follows Razor as he moves, its range is deceptively large, and can be used early while Razor is approaching the target.
  • Use Plasma Field's wide radius to farm jungle creeps quickly by moving and hitting multiple camps at once.
  • Plasma Field's large area effect is visible to enemies across any terrain, and can therefore give away your position. Think twice before using it prior to a team gank or during a 肉山 attempt.
  • More tips needed.

Lua错误 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:无法找到"静电连接"的Cargo数据[]

  • Static Link is often leveled first as a means to zone out a laning opponent, reducing their damage so they cannot get last hits. Conversely, it also helps Razor get last hits by giving him more damage.
    • Move close to the target, then use Static Link to drain them for as long as possible. Do not attack the enemy, as this will cause the lane creeps to turn on you, forcing you to retreat without stealing much damage.
    • Done correctly, this method allows Razor to dominate against a solo lane opponent.
  • In teamfights, use Static Link on enemy carries as early as possible to transfer their damage to Razor.
  • Static Link cannot be purged by spell immunity, but cannot be cast on targets that are already spell immune. Use it before the enemy has a chance to activate their Black King Bar icon 黑皇杖.
  • In teamfights, Static Link is most effective on melee carries, who will lose a good portion of their damage before they have a chance to attack Razor.
  • Because of its cast animation time, it is better to use Static Link when Razor is relatively close to the target. Using it from the maximum cast range will often allow the target to break the link before Razor can catch up.
  • During the late game, a good Static Link can make a big difference in teamfights by neutralizing the enemy carry.
    • A quickly broken Static Link does not necessary spell defeat, but will cause Razor to do very little damage.
  • Static Link will stay applied to Brewmaster minimap icon 酒仙 when using Primal Split icon 元素分离, and will continue to sap damage from the Earth elemental.
  • Blinking heroes like Anti-Mage minimap icon 敌法师 or Queen of Pain minimap icon 痛苦女王 can easily break Static Link. Make sure they are fully engaged in the fight before using it on them.

Lua错误 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:无法找到"不稳定电流"的Cargo数据[]

  • The speed increase from a single point in Unstable Current is usually enough until the late game.
  • Unstable Current has a particle effect whenever Razor is targeted by an ability, even if the enemy hero is far away and not in vision. Keep an eye out for this effect to determine the direction and position of the enemy through the fog of war.
  • Send Razor out in front to act as a lightning rod for enemy spellcasters. Opponents who target him will be damaged and dispelled.
  • Unstable Current does not trigger against area of effect abilities, such as Nether Blast icon 幽冥爆轰.
  • More tips needed.

Lua错误 在Module:Ability_ID的第61行:无法找到"风暴之眼"的Cargo数据[]

  • Eye of the Storm's armor reduction has an compounding effect. The more times enemies are struck, the weaker they become, thus the more likely they are to be struck again.
  • Eye of the Storm is ineffective when creeps are nearby, as they will absorb many of the lightning strikes.
  • Razor can cause Eye of the Storm to target an enemy by attacking and bringing that enemy's health low.
  • Eye of the Storm can deal devastating damage to a single enemy, as long as Razor keeps the target within range. This is an easy way to get an early kill.
  • Because Eye of the Storm reduces armor, additional armor reducing items like Assault Cuirass icon 强袭胸甲 and Desolator icon 黯灭 will let Razor and his team do heavy damage to an affected target.
  • Remember to move between attacks to keep enemies within Eye of the Storm's range.
  • Eye of the Storm's long duration means it should always be activated prior to a fight.
  • With Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖, Eye of the Storm allows Razor to take down buildings fairly quickly. Combined with its short cooldown, it can be used exclusively for pushing lanes.
    • Eye of the Storm will not hit filler buildings.
  • More tips needed.



Early Game:

  • Magic Wand icon 魔杖 can help Razor get off an extra Plasma Field.
  • Boots of Speed icon 速度之靴 is mandatory on all heroes. Combined with Unstable Current, it makes Razor one of the fastest heroes in the early game.
  • Bottle icon 魔瓶 is commonly picked up if Razor is playing in mid, as his superior movement speed helps him reach runes faster.
  • Drum of Endurance icon 韧鼓 is sometimes bought to make Razor move even faster.
  • Ring of Aquila icon 天鹰之戒 provides a well-rounded mix of damage, armor, and mana regeneration.


  • Power Treads icon 动力鞋 gives Razor a good attack speed boost.
  • Phase Boots icon 相位鞋 can be a good alternative, as it allows Razor to catch up to enemies and keep them within range of Static Link and Eye of the Storm.
  • Desolator icon 黯灭's large armor reduction synergizes well with the armor reduction from Eye of the Storm.
  • Sange and Yasha icon 散夜对剑 provides both extra speed and a slow effect, and helps Razor keep enemies within range of his abilities.
  • Black King Bar icon 黑皇杖 is often needed against enemies with numerous disables, which can prevent Razor from keeping up with enemies.


  • Shadow Blade icon 影刃 allows Razor to use and pursue enemies with Static Link and Eye of the Storm without retaliation. The sounds and particle effects from his abilities cannot be seen or heard by the enemy when he is invisible, but will still do damage.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 upgrades Eye of the Storm's damage, and helps Razor take down buildings faster.
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon 恐鳌之心 gives Razor supreme durability, helping him stay alive and keep Eye of the Storm active as long as possible.
  • Eye of Skadi icon 斯嘉蒂之眼 gives a sizeable amount of health, and its slowing effect helps Razor keep enemies in range of his abilities.
  • Mekansm icon 梅肯斯姆 is sometimes picked up, as Razor relies more on his abilities to do damage.
  • Dragon Lance icon 魔龙枪 is popular to supplement Razor's attack range.
  • Helm of the Dominator icon 支配头盔 helps Razor last longer in lane, increases his attack speed and allows him to dominate a creep to scout, use its abilities or rightclick.
  • Blade Mail icon 刃甲 deters enemies from attacking, letting Razor stay alive longer when using Static Link and Eye of the Storm.
  • Vanguard icon 先锋盾 adds to Razor's defense, allowing him to take a more aggressive stance in teamfights.
  • Refresher Orb icon 刷新球 allows two instances of Eye of the Storm to be active at the same time, dealing heavy DPS and armor reduction.
  • Butterfly icon 蝴蝶 makes it much more difficult for enemy carries to take down Razor, which in turn means he has even more time to drain them damage.
  • Assault Cuirass icon 强袭胸甲's armor reduction works well with Eye of the Storm, as well as Desolator icon 黯灭.