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机制是整个Dota 2的基石。你可以点击下表中列出的任意一个机制,来查看它们是如何计算,起源于何处,又是如何与其他机制进行复杂交互的。



机制 介绍
技能 任何一个单位都可能拥有技能。任何一个英雄至少具有三个基础技能和一个终极技能。升级英雄的技能需要通过获取经验值来提升自身等级。大部分技能是需要主动施放的,也有部分技能是被动生效的。主动技能在两次使用之间存在冷却时间。
属性 基础属性会随着每次自身等级的提升而提升。力量增加生命值和生命恢复速度,敏捷增加护甲和攻击速度,智力增加魔法值,魔法恢复速度和技能伤害。任何英雄都在三个属性中具有一个主属性。主属性的提升同时能提升他们的物理攻击。物品和技能也能提升属性。
天赋 这是一个能极大提升一个英雄属性和特性的机制。玩家可以在10,15,20,和25级时分别从两个天赋中选取一个。
经验 英雄升级所需要的能量点数。经验值能通过击杀小兵、野怪和敌方英雄获得。当达到最高等级25级时,经验值将毫无意义。
复活 英雄出生在泉水,位于他们的基地核心。死亡的英雄会在一段时间后重生。重生时间取决于英雄的等级。
生命值 一个英雄所具有的血量称之为生命值。生命值和生命恢复速度取决于力量,物品,技能和天赋。
魔法值 单位使用大部分技能时所需要的能量点数。魔法值和魔法恢复速度取决于智力,物品,技能和天赋。
护甲 护甲能极大地降低物理伤害。护甲有三种类型,同时能被物品和技能所提升或降低。
伤害格挡 对于每次攻击,抵消一个固定数值,一些物品和技能可以提供此特性。
魔法抗性 以百分比的形式削弱受到的魔法伤害。大部分英雄具有25%的基础魔法抗性。部分物品和技能能进一步提升此特性。
闪避 此特性提供一定的概率来完全规避一次物理攻击。克敌先机能让一个英雄忽视闪避。
移动速度 一个单位移动的速率。部分物品和技能能提升此特性。
转身速率 一个单位的模型的转身速率。大部分操作需要模型正对需要操作的方向。
碰撞体积 一个单位的内在体积(系统级体积),不能被穿越并且可以阻挡其他单位。大部分英雄具有相同的碰撞体积,和他们的物理模型大小无关。
光环 于某个单位或英雄周身一定范围内生效的被动buff或debuff。光环来自于技能和物品,并且不能被驱散
幻象 由技能,物品或神符所生成的英雄的克隆体。幻象有不同的类型,并缺失一些英雄才具有的特性。


机制 介绍
伤害类型 一共有三种伤害类型。物理伤害由普通攻击和一些技能造成。魔法伤害由技能和物品造成。纯粹伤害是最罕见的,能忽视护甲和魔法抗性。生命移除忽略任何伤害增幅或削弱,并且不被算作是一种伤害类型。
攻击力 由普通攻击造成的伤害。这种伤害的伤害类型恒定为物理伤害,但是它在作用于不同类型的护甲时有四种不同的表现。
技能伤害 不由普通攻击造成的任何其他伤害。技能伤害可能是魔法伤害,物理伤害,或是纯粹伤害。它会受到智力属性的增幅。
伤害调整 一系列会影响一次最终伤害实例的计算。物品和技能可以加深,减免,和无效化伤害。
持续伤害 以极短间隔时间连续触发的伤害,通常每次触发的伤害数值较小。
攻击速度 进行一次攻击所需要的时间。攻击速度可以被物品和技能增幅或减少。
攻击动作 单位模型进行攻击时的动画效果。当模型做完“攻击点”动画时,产生攻击伤害,并紧接着会做“攻击后摇”动画。攻击动画的播放速度取决于单位的攻击速度。
施法动作 单位模型使用技能时的动画效果。技能会在“施法点”的时候施放,紧接着会做“施法后摇”动画。每个技能都有自己的施法动画。施法动画的速度无法改变,因此每个技能的施法速度是不变的。
持续施法 使用某些技能时需要站住不动使技能生效的模型动作。
弹道速度 远程普通攻击投射物的运动速度。技能的投射物有其独特的飞行速度。
攻击距离 一个单位可以进行普通攻击的距离。大部分近战英雄的距离是150,而远程英雄可以达到700。




机制 介绍
致命一击 一定概率以一定倍数增加普通攻击伤害的特效。
分裂&溅射 使普通攻击在目标周围一定区域分散造成伤害的特效。
重击 使得普通攻击有一定概率造成眩晕的特效。
吸血 使得攻击能够恢复生命值的特效,恢复量为一部分伤害值。
法力损毁 使得攻击能燃烧目标的魔法值,依此造成伤害的特效。
主动/自动施法 绑定于技能的特效,可以被开关。


机制 介绍
游戏地图 Dota 2的比赛战场,战场上有三条,各自联通双方的基地。路与路的丛林地域是野区
建筑物 用于防御敌方的装置。最重要的建筑是遗迹,对方想要获胜必须摧毁这个建筑。防御符文能让建筑物短时间内无敌。
商店 散落在地图上,向英雄售卖物品的商店。
金钱 用于购买物品的货币,而物品则能提升英雄的能力。每秒种,英雄都会获得一丁点的金钱,还能通过击杀普通生物,敌方英雄和摧毁建筑物来获得额外金钱。死亡的英雄能使用金钱来买活,让他们能瞬间重返战场。
物品 游戏中可以购买物品。物品可以增加一个英雄的属性,赋予英雄特殊的技能和效果。小件物品可以根据配方合成大件物品。一些物品还可以被分解或者共享,但大部分物品是不可以和队友共享的。
信使 一个特殊的单位,每个队伍都只可以拥有一只,它会不辞辛苦地为你保存和运输物品,可以用信使到野外的神秘商店进行剁手,可以被杀死,拥有一个大招开启后2秒内无敌,善待它哦。
小兵 地图中特定时间自动产生的单位。杀死敌方的小兵可以获得金钱和经验。小兵会向敌方的基地推进并攻击沿途的建筑。中立生物会停驻在自己的出生点。
召唤单位 被英雄召唤出来的单位,在战役中帮助己方取得胜利。
守卫 可以提供视野或者一些其他功能的单位。
神符 地图上生成的特殊的加成。赏金神符可以给去拾取的英雄额外的金钱经验,还有一些神符可以给英雄其他各种加成的效果。
视野 一个单位可以实时地看见地图的某个区域,相对地,无法看到的区域被战争迷雾遮盖。大部分单位有一个环绕他们的视野。有些单位可以隐身,只能在真实视域下被看见。
昼夜系统 昼夜是交替的。有些英雄的能力在夜晚会有不同的表现。夜晚的视野也会受到限制。
树木 地图上的草木会提供一定的障碍。树木可以被砍伐,一定时间后会重新生长回来。有些物品和技能可以与树木之间产生影响。
伪随机分布 一个技能或物品效果的触发概率会因为它每一次没有被触发而增加。
真随机分布 一个技能或物品效果的触发概率不会因为它之前有没有触发而发生改变。



Status effects are a variety of conditions that can afflict units. They are caused by abilities and items.

机制 介绍
  • Shackle
Unit is unable to move or perform any actions. Shackle is the same as stun, but requires the attacking hero to channel the effect.
Root Unit is unable to move, but can perform some actions.
Hex Unit is transformed into a critter, and is unable to perform any actions except move at a slow pace.
Cyclone Unit is swept into the air, where it is invulnerable, but cannot move or perform any actions.
Hide/Banish Unit is temporarily removed from the game map, and cannot be damaged or affected by any other mechanics.
Blind Unit has a chance to miss basic attacks.
Silence Unit is disabled from using unit abilities, but can still use item abilities.
Mute Unit is disabled from using item abilities.
Break Unit's passive abilities are disabled.
Disarm Unit cannot attack, but can still use abilities.
Slow Unit's movement speed is reduced. Most slows end after a set time, while other slows gradually decrease over time.
Trap Unit's movement is restricted by barriers, but can still perform actions.
Taunt Unit is forced to attack a certain target, ignoring player input.
Fear Unit is forced to run towards their team's fountain, ignoring player input.
Forced movement Unit is forced to move in a certain direction, ignoring player input.
Teleport/Blink Unit moves to a location instantaneously.
Invisibility Unit cannot be seen by normal vision, but can be detected by True Sight.
Phased Unit can move through other units, ignoring collision size.
Invulnerability Unit cannot be damaged by physical attacks.
Spell immunity Unit cannot be targeted or affected by most spells.
Ethereal Unit assumes a ghostly form, becoming immune to physical damage, but takes more magical damage. Ethereal units cannot attack.



Dispel refers to methods that remove buffs, debuffs, and status effects. This is an important topic to understanding the internal interactions of Dota 2.

机制 介绍
Basic dispel A simple dispel granted by abilities and items.
Spell immunity Some forms of spell immunity provide a basic dispel when activated.
Strong dispel A greater dispel that removes more status effects, granted by a handful of abilities.
Removable buffs A list of buffs that can be removed by various forms of dispel.
Removable debuffs A list of debuffs that can be removed by various forms of dispel.


Mechanic Introduction
Game modes Map conditions with different rulesets regarding hero picking and other variables.
Custom Games Game modes created by community members, with its own set of rules and assets. Custom games are made through modding.
Heads-up display (HUD) The in-game graphical interface, showing a hero's portrait, abilities, items, stats, and more.
Minimap A small graphical representation of the game map, where heroes and other information can be seen. Scanning is a way to reveal the presence of enemies on the minimap.
Disjoint The act of dodging a projectile using an ability or item. Not all projectiles can be disjointed.
Denying The act of killing a friendly hero, creep or building with low health. Denying prevents enemy heroes from gaining gold and experience from the denied unit or building.
Creep control techniques Methods to manipulate creeps for the purpose of positioning, or spawning more creeps to kill later on.
Roles Play styles that heroes fulfill to serve a specific function for their team.
Ganking The strategy of ambushing and attacking isolated enemy heroes in order to secure an early game advantage.
Pushing The strategy of focusing on destroying buildings and pressuring the lanes.
Harassment The strategy of attacking opponents to intimidate them from farming effectively, especially during the early game.
Farming The act of accumulating gold by killing as many creeps as possible.
Jungling The act of farming in the jungle by killing neutral creeps, instead of farming in the lanes.
Initiating The act of starting a teamfight, usually by disabling opponents with powerful abilities first.


See also: System Menu

This is a list of major functions that are not directly part of the game. It involves various features regarding player input, Steam, and others.

机制 介绍
补丁 Updates to the game client, including changes to elements outside of mechanics, such as cosmetic items or the graphical interface.
版本 Updates to game mechanics, including new heroes, items, and balance adjustments. Versions are shipped with patches.
奖杯&个人资料等级 In-game achievements that are awarded for accomplishing various feats.
活动 Time-limited promotions that come with exclusive cosmetic items, trophies, and more. Events usually take place around big tournaments and holidays.
  • Replay
A function that allows players to watch live games, as well as replays of past games.



游戏设置 allow users to change display, graphics, audio, and control settings.

机制 介绍
Controls Settings for hotkeys, mouse cursor interactions, and the in-game chat wheel.
Launch Options Command lines that can be entered Steam's settings to change the Dota 2 client.
Console commands List of commands that can be used through the in-game console.
Cheats List of official cheats that can be used in private lobbies, for the purpose of testing. Cheats cannot be used in matchmaking.



Matchmaking is the automated system that finds and matches players together, usually based on internal calculations of player skill. Casual and ranked matchmaking are both available.

机制 介绍
Matchmaking Rating The value that determines a player's skill level. Also known as MMR. Winning increases a player's rating, while losing decreases it.
Leaderboards Regional ladder rankings for the top players with the highest matchmaking rating.
Bots AI controlled heroes that players can choose to match with.
Priority Internal flag that determines who players are matched with. Players with a history of bad conduct are placed in low priority, and can only match with others in low priority.
  • Report
  • Commend
Punishments given out to players who violate rules or community norms. Communication bans are given out based on feedback from other players. Total game bans are given out to players who use third party programs to cheat.



Cosmetic items can be used to alter the appearance of heroes and various elements of the interface. They are purely cosmetic and do not affect game mechanics.

机制 介绍
Item drop system
  • Drop list
Cosmetic items drop randomly after matches. Rare items drop less often.
Rarity Property of items that scale from 普通 to 至宝. Rarer items are generally harder to obtain, and contain more customizations.
Quality Property of items that are associated with the circumstances of their origin.
Armory The in-game interface where all cosmetic items are stored.
Treasures Boxes that can be opened to obtain random cosmetic items.
Gems Modifiers that can be socketed into some items to grant them a counter or custom effects.
Music Soundtracks that play depending on the events of the game. Numerous custom music packs exist.
Steam Market A community marketplace where cosmetic items can be bought and sold.
Trading The act of trading cosmetic items with a friend on Steam, with certain restrictions.
Gifting The act of sending cosmetic items to a friend as a gift, with certain restrictions.

