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Weaver minimap icon 编织者 is a slippery carry who shifts in and out of space, and turns back time to recover from his injuries. Summoning The Swarm icon 虫群 to latch onto his enemies, Weaver can drastically reduce enemy in teamfights. Weaver is extremely item dependent, and must farm well throughout the game to be effective.
优点 缺点
  • Elusive and hard to pin down.
  • Reduces enemy armor.
  • Good lane pusher.
  • Highest base damage for ranged heroes.
  • Countered by 真实视域.
  • Vulnerable to 沉默.
  • Low attribute growth coupled with the lowest base stats.
  • Very item dependent.


Weaver is nearly always played as a carry. To be effective, Weaver depends on the extra hit from Geminate Attack to out-damage his opponents. Time Lapse, when used optimally, essentially gives Weaver a second life, allowing him to make riskier plays and outlast other carries. A carry Weaver requires a large amount of time and farm before he can truly hit hard with his attacks, especially if he chooses to purchase a Linken's Sphere icon 林肯法球 first.


Although very unusual, Weaver can somewhat be played as a support. With your level 2 (a point in Shukuchi and Geminate Attack) and your high base damage, you can easily harass an enemy offlaner or support. Unlike most heroes however, you do NOT want to be trading hits with anyone; just hit him once (twice with your passive) and run away immediately. You may even choose to skip dealing Shukuchi's damage if it would end with you being too close to the enemy. But your below-average BAT and abysmal starting stats ensure that, by the time you get a second right click on an enemy, you will probably have taken more damage than what you've dealt.

On a support Weaver, you will always want to rush an Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 to save your carry. You can choose to skip boots entirely and rely on Shukuchi to keep up instead. Medallion of Courage icon 勇气勋章 is a great pick up on Weaver to further reduce the enemy's armor, and you can even start off with a Blight Stone icon 枯萎之石 immediately to further harass the enemy. However, support Weaver provides absolutely no control for your team, nor heal, just a tiny bit of vision with The Swarm, which also barely increases your carry's damage output, and requires to farm the Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 before having any kind of impact. It is overall a poor choice for a support.


Generic Weaver
Unknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown iconUnknown icon


+1 Geminate Attack icon 连击25+160 Shukuchi icon 缩地移动速度
+2 The Swarm icon 虫群可被攻击次数20+0.4 The Swarm icon 虫群削弱护甲
+11 Strength attribute symbol 力量15+20 法力损毁
+15 攻击力10+60 Shukuchi icon 缩地伤害
  • 攻击力天赋以攻击力加成的形式增加。
    • 幻象不能从中获益,也不受大多数百分比伤害增加或降低效果影响。

技巧& 小贴士[]


  • Weaver is very item dependent, but is very hard to stop once he gets a Linken's Sphere icon 林肯法球.
  • Weaver is one of the most difficult heroes to lock down, but this elusiveness can be countered by disables, 真实视域, and 沉默.
  • Weaver is great at kiting and killing melee carries (such as Ursa minimap icon 熊战士) with the low cooldown of Shukuchi and the armor reduction effects of The Swarm.
  • Though treated as hard carry, Weaver is one of the most difficult heroes to lane against because of Geminate Attack granting him the ability to hit an enemy twice in a single attack instance, effectively multiplying his damage output by two every few seconds.
  • Weaver usually goes for Power Treads icon 动力鞋. The active on Phase Boots icon 相位鞋 (the phase and the bonus ms) is kind of lost on Weaver since Shukuchi gives both of them already, but you can use it while Shukuchi is on cooldown. The +24 damage however is very nice, especially combined with Geminate Attack which makes it +48, a Demon Edge icon 恶魔刀锋 for half the price. Also there are plenty of times where you won't be attacking that often in a fight, making the attack speed from treads somewhat irrelevant.
    • Alternatively, consider relying solely on Shukuchi for movement speed and skip boots entirely, focusing on more important items like Linken's Sphere icon 林肯法球 and Dragon Lance icon 魔龙枪 for carry Weaver or Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 for support Weaver.
  • Weaver starts off with 15 strength for a total of 500 HP and poor armor. Don't hestitate to leave your fountain with a couple of Iron Branch icon 铁树枝干es or Circlet icon 圆环s that you can upgrade into a Magic Wand icon 魔杖 or a Wraith Band icon 怨灵系带. The only upside to having such a poor health pool is that flat HP regen is proportionally better on Weaver than on anyone else. An Enchanted Mango icon 魔法芒果 or a Ring of Regen icon 回复戒指 (that will later upgrade into Drum of Endurance icon 韧鼓 for example) will go a long way to keeping Weaver healthy.
  • Bottle icon 魔瓶 is a very interesting choice on Weaver. Its flat HP regen does wonders on Weaver's poor health pool and the mana will help you to spam Shukuchi. You may not want to contest for runes considering how fragile you are (though you could try to swipe one under the enemy's nose with Shukuchi). Once you reach level 6, you can always use a Town Portal Scroll icon 回城卷轴 to regenerate in your fountain, fill your bottle, and go right back to lane with your Time Lapse.


The Swarm icon 虫群[]

  • Use The Swarm to soften up enemies before a teamfight.
  • Use The Swarm to latch onto enemies, keeping vision over them if they try to juke into the trees.
  • Use The Swarm before diving, so towers will target the beetles instead of you.
  • Use The Swarm to farm Ancient camps early on.
  • The Swarm can cause enemies to take a lot of damage during the laning stage. This can be used to gank or push back enemies.
  • When attacking towers, use The Swarm on an incoming enemy creep wave. This will cause the creeps to stop and attack the beetles, giving you and your creeps more time to attack the tower.
  • The Swarm fully works on Roshan (armor reduction) and the beetle will also tank a couple of attacks for you. Weaver is actually a decent hero for level 1 Roshan attempts if your team wishes to try it (it will not be enough by itself however).

Shukuchi icon 缩地[]

  • Shukuchi is your main spell and you will be using it all the time provided you have enough mana regen. It provides you, by itself, with no less than 3 means to escape or chase: it turns you invisible (potentially dodging slow projectiles such as Wraithfire Blast icon 冥火爆击), it gives you 522 movement speed and you cannot be slowed, it gives you a phase movement allowing you to go through units. It also deals a bit of damage. In 95% of your games, you will want to max it first.
  • Use Shukuchi to dive and harass enemies by touching them.
  • Shukuchi allows Weaver to return to fights and deal a little extra damage, even when his health is low.
  • Since using Shukuchi doesn't interrupt channeled spells, you can use a Town Portal Scroll icon 回城卷轴 and then cast Shukuchi to hide while you finish the channel.
    • This can be used when teleporting to escape or when teleporting to defend something. For example, if you cast teleport on a tower you want to defend, then Shukuchi right before the teleport channel completes, when you arrive at the tower, you will be invisible. This can cause confusion for the enemy, since they will not see you appear when the teleport completes, and may think that you cancelled the teleport.
  • Attacking, using another spell or using any items will finish Shukuchi. When chasing an enemy, be sure to catch up with him as much as possible while you have 522ms before attacking him. Similarly, when you're running away, be sure to use your Magic Wand icon 魔杖 or to tread-switch when Shukuchi is over. Weaver is fragile enough with Shukuchi having a downtime of 2 seconds, don't make that downtime even longer.

Geminate Attack icon 连击[]

  • Geminate Attack is excellent for harassing a laning opponent. You can even try to push hard for a kill with it under tower if the enemy is low enough, though it should only be done if the enemy laner has no way to stun you.
  • It will not activate while denying your own creeps.
  • The second attack gets all the properties from your own right click. That means that it will lifesteal, it will crit if you have a Crystalys icon 水晶剑 or similar, it has 35% chance to mini-stun and deal 160 magic damage if you have a Monkey King Bar icon 金箍棒, it can even stun if you have a Skull Basher icon 碎颅锤 or an Abyssal Blade icon 深渊之刃 (not the most recommended item on Weaver, but better on him than on most ranged heroes thanks to Geminate Attack).

Time Lapse icon 时光倒流[]

  • Use Time Lapse after buying back to immediately return to the fight. This is a risky maneuver, however, as you most likely won't be at full HP when you arrive. Consider using this trick when you got nuked by a strong ultimate like (Finger of Death icon 死亡之指 or Laguna Blade icon 神灭斩). Using Shukuchi immediately after Time Lapse will also improve your survivability.
  • Time Lapse removes most debuffs from Weaver, which is useful for removing Dust of Appearance icon 显影之尘 and many other hazardous debuffs.
  • When retreating, a confusing tactic is to run towards the enemy, then use Time Lapse to return to the original spot and escape in the opposite direction.
  • If you use Time Lapse after respawning, you should arrive next to where you died. This can serve as a poor man's tp if you died next to your tower, but it can also allow some sneaky structure damage: if you died next to an enemy tier 3 tower, and there are (allied) creeps about to push another t3 when you respawn, you can be suddenly pushing two t3s at once, and the opponent might not be expecting you to come out of the blue hitting buildings. Don't do this if there are no allied creeps as backdoor protection will kick in.
  • If you've farmed an Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖, you can use Time Lapse every 12 seconds on your allies at a considerable 1000 range. If you have a hard hitting ally that wants to land a couple of auto attacks on an enemy tower, he should be able to do with ease if he knows you're ready to save him.




  • Magic Stick icon 魔棒 提供少量的生命和魔法,在对线期提供生存,打的凶相的时候很有用。
  • Boots of Speed icon 速度之靴 提供恰到好处的移动速度加成,让编织者在缩地之外也能走的快一点。
  • Ring of Aquila icon 天鹰之戒 是一件性价比很高的属性装,提供的魔法恢复让编织者可以更频繁的使用缩地。
  • Blight Stone icon 枯萎之石 和编织者的减甲技能相性很好。


  • Magic Wand icon 魔杖 提供更多的属性加成和充能点数。
  • Power Treads icon 动力鞋 提供更多的生命和攻击速度加成。
  • Desolator icon 黯灭 和连击的相性不错,提供相当诱人的伤害和减甲效果。
  • Linken's Sphere icon 林肯法球 提供附加的生命以及技能阻挡效果。和时光倒流以及缩地配合起来,让编织者更加难以击杀。如果对方有成吨的短CD指向性技能,如 Viscous Nasal Goo icon 粘稠鼻液, Purifying Flames icon 涤罪之焰 或者 Stifling Dagger icon 窒碍短匕,可以考虑放弃这件装备。如果对方的魔法伤害很高,可以用 Black King Bar icon 黑皇杖 来替代。


  • Monkey King Bar icon 金箍棒 和编织者的连击配合,可以打出大量输出。
  • Diffusal Blade icon 净魂之刃 可以使敌人减速。
  • Butterfly icon 蝴蝶 提供伤害,护甲,攻击速度以及闪避,编织者变得输出更高且更难被击杀。
  • Daedalus icon 代达罗斯之殇 大幅提升编织者的输出,连击可以触发致命一击效果。
  • Dragon Lance icon 魔龙枪 提升编织者的攻击距离和不错的属性加成 (尤其是12点力量加成极其契合编织者的需求) ,性价比很高。后期可以购买 Force Staff icon 原力法杖 和卷轴升级为 Hurricane Pike icon 飓风长戟 。虽然原力法杖对于编织者不是一个常见的选择,但是主动效果在编织者缩地冷却的2秒内有很有趣的作用。在多数情况下,使用原力法杖拉开你与敌人之间的距离,可以让你有足够的时间挺过缩地冷却的2秒(或者沉默效果),从而逃过一劫。最后,飓风长戟的主动效果可以让你风筝敌人,在你施放虫群之后,拥有对方的视野的前提下,飓风长戟可以最大化的利用。
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon 恐鳌之心 让敌人感到绝望,时光倒流可以恢复编织者大量生命值。
  • Boots of Travel icon 远行鞋 在游戏后期带线很有用。
  • Satanic icon 撒旦之邪力 对于编织者是不错的选择,力量加成和吸血效果大幅提升了他的生存能力。除此之外,不洁狂热可以让你在时光倒流之后有第三条命。和编织者的高攻击以及连击配合,开启撒旦甚至只用攻击一下就能回复满血。
  • Eye of Skadi icon 斯嘉蒂之眼 提供大量的全属性加成,配合霜冻攻击,提升追击和放风筝的能力。
  • Maelstrom icon 漩涡Mjollnir icon 雷神之锤 对carry来说很少情况下会是无用的装备,它们能让你发育更快,通过连击有机会攻击一次施放两次闪电链,但对于编织者来说很少会是最好的选择。
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 自从可以大幅减少时光倒流的冷却时间并且可以对友军施放后很热门。当编织者不是队伍中主要的输出或者carry的时候,可以拯救你队伍的carry,但是要注意必须选择施放的目标而不是单单按下技能按键。
  • Radiance icon 辉耀 提供大量攻击力加成,配合连击输出提升不错,另外,在编织者隐身期间辉耀灼烧也能造成不少伤害。