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Huskar icon
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
21 + 2.7
15 + 1.4
18 + 1.5
等级 0 1 15 25 30
生命值 200 620 1360 2140 2460
+0.25 +2.35 +6.13 +10.03 +11.58
魔法值 75 291 543 867 975
+0 +0.9 +1.95 +3.3 +3.78
护甲 -1 1.5 4.77 9.1 10.6
伤害格挡 -
魔法抗性 25%
状态抗性 0%
攻击力 21‒30 42‒51 79‒88 118‒127 134‒143
攻击频率 0.63/秒 0.72/秒 0.84/秒 1/秒 1.06/秒
攻击距离 远程 400 (800)
攻击速度 ▶️ 100 (1.6秒 BAT)
攻击动作 0.4+0.5
移动速度 ▶️ 300
转身速率 转180°需要0 0.5
碰撞体积 24
视野 () 1800 • 800
碎片类型 默认



Huskar minimap icon哈斯卡 —— 神灵武士
▶️ "接受恩泽的人不应过于依赖别人,而应时刻谨记失去它的风险"
Dave Fennoy (台词)


Inner Vitality icon
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
特效 [?]

  • 生命值百分比和主属性会周期性地检查,恢复速度会随每次检查而瞬间变化。
  • 以生命恢复的形式恢复生命,这意味着每0.1秒产生一次0.1 + 0.5%/1%/1.5%/2%或0.1 + 2%/4%/6%/8%主属性值点的生命恢复。
  • 在整个持续时间里将会恢复共计160点生命值,并附加80%/160%/240%/320%到320%/640%/960%/1280%主属性值点的生命值。
  • 能对英雄级单位使用,仅对其造成基础生命恢复,因为它们没有属性值。

Burning Spear icon
施法距离450天赋 550
Cooldown symbol
特效 [?]

  • 此技能不能用于自杀。
  • 手动释放沸血之矛使用450的施法距离机制。自动释放沸血之矛使用哈斯卡的400基础攻击距离机制。
  • 对同一目标的多次沸血之矛会叠加。
    • 目标身上会存在一个负面效果,显示他正遭受多少层沸血之矛(在图标上有一个敌我可见的数字)。
    • 不同实例之间完全相互独立。它们不会延长或刷新彼此的持续时间。
    • 在附加负面效果后的每秒会造成一次伤害实例,不同沸血之矛实例导致的伤害会被总计为一次伤害实例。
    • 这意味着4/2/2/1层沸血之矛足以打断恢复效果。

幻象不可继承此效果 会被破坏禁用 无视技能免疫 EB
Berserker's Blood icon

  • 哈斯卡的模型大小在快要达到最高增益时会随之变大,至多增大35%。
  • 尽管由于小数点位数限制没有显示在面板中,每一点损失的生命值都会提供加成。
  • 100%生命值时没有任何加成,最高加成阀值为10%生命值。
  • 生命值百分比变化会周期性地检查,而加成效果会随检查而瞬间变化。
  • 当低于10%生命值时,能将哈斯卡的总魔法抗性提升至40%/47.5%%/55%/62.50%。

Life Break icon
敌人 / 自身
施法距离550天赋 950
目标单位当前生命值伤害35%阿哈利姆神杖 65%
Cooldown symbol
 12 阿哈利姆神杖 4
特效 [?]

  • 哈斯卡以1000的速度跳跃,并且不可被躲避
  • 当施法时,哈斯卡会获得一个状态,持续五秒或直到冲至目标。状态不会显示在状态栏中。
  • 此状态会使哈斯卡对技能免疫,并处于缴械状态,并强制他冲向敌人。技能免疫效果会在施法时驱散负面状态。
  • 此状态有最长持续时间限制,因此在跳跃的过程中此状态有可能已失效,剩余的跳跃过程哈斯卡将处于非技能免疫,非缴械状态,并且可以取消跳跃过程。
  • 跳跃过程中哈斯卡可以使用物品和技能。然而,位移效果,例如Blink Dagger icon 闪烁匕首,将取消跳跃过程。
  • 对自身的伤害同样是魔法伤害。因此,它能被魔法抗性减免 (包括来自于Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血的效果)。
    • 对自身的伤害不会致死,无论此伤害如何被增幅。哈斯卡无法使用牺牲来自杀。
  • 如果在跳跃过程中哈斯卡被控制或与目标之间的距离超过1400,跳跃过程会终止。
  • 在计算基础魔抗后,目标敌人会损失26.25% (可以用阿哈利姆神杖升级 48.75%) 的当前生命值,除了Visage minimap icon 维萨吉Meepo minimap icon 米波
    • 米波,基础魔抗35%,会损失22.75% (可以用阿哈利姆神杖升级 42.25%) 的当前生命值。
    • 死灵龙,,基础魔抗10%,会损失31.5% (可以用阿哈利姆神杖升级 58.5%) 的当前生命值。


{{Recommendeditems 初始:







  • Huskar minimap icon 哈斯卡 becomes more powerful with less health due to Berserker's Blood, but can still die. Figure out when enough is enough.
  • Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血 is Huskar's signature ability and passively gives him heavy magical resistance and attack speed when low HP. Thanks to this, Huskar is very potent against heavy magic damage teams. Additionally, Inner Vitality icon 活血术 gives Huskar a very powerful heal when below 40% HP, making him very durable. However, due to his low base Armor, he is susceptible to physical burst damage. Good examples of this is Clinkz minimap icon 克林克兹 and Sven minimap icon 斯温 as well as any carry who has a Daedalus icon 代达罗斯之殇 or Desolator icon 黯灭 completed.
  • Keep in mind the cast range of Burning Spear icon 沸血之矛 is 450, but Huskar's attack range is only 400. Therefore you can increase your range by 50 when manually casting Burning Spear icon 沸血之矛. However, putting Burning Spear icon 沸血之矛 on autocast will not increase your range.
  • Huskar's abilities synergizes well with each other, Burning Spear icon 沸血之矛 and Life Break icon 牺牲 both use up health, and feed your Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血 increasing your damage output while Inner Vitality icon 活血术 makes you more durable.
    • Remember that Burning Spears will stack on an enemy. You can manual cast them repeatedly on laning phase to harass enemies without drawing creep aggro. When you can regenerate health enough to sustain Burning Spear, switch it to auto-attack and burn them down!
    • If you are low on health, you can turn it off at times to recuperate health if you have lifesteal.
  • Inner Vitality icon 活血术 provides a huge amount of regen especially when at a low HP. You can use it on yourself or your allies before jumping into a fight to increase their durability.
    • Do not worry about casting it too early before a team fight as it has a fairly long duration and its cooldown at max level is a few seconds shorter than its duration. This will reduce the chances that you are caught off-guard and become disabled long enough before being able to cast it. This will also increase the chance that you can re-cast it during a fight in case that you are Purged or another team mate is in dire need of regeneration.
    • Always use Inner Vitality before using your ultimate to increase your chance of surviving and reduce the toll on your HP done by your ultimate.
    • With enough mana regeneration, you can even use Inner Vitality constantly, mitigating the need to return to base. This makes heroes such as Crystal Maiden minimap icon 水晶室女 and Keeper of the Light minimap icon 光之守卫 a good ally of Huskar.
    • Soul Ring icon 灵魂之戒 is also a viable situational item if you find yourself constantly out of mana because the static HP regeneration of Inner Vitality alone is enough to recuperate the loss of HP from Soul Ring even at level 1 while also providing a net excess of stat-based HP regeneration. Having a constant source of mana will also enable Huskar to cast Inner Vitality to his teammates who might need it at the time.
      • The ability to reduce Huskar's HP on demand also provides a tactical advantage that can be used before a fight. However, keep in mind that the HP removal is not mitigated by Berserker's Blood and as such is dangerous to be used when at a really low health.
  • Life Break icon 牺牲 lowers the target's current health by about 1/4 (1/2 if upgraded), and lets Huskar jump to his target rapidly. Consider between chasing a wounded enemy and dealing damage to a tough one.
    • Be wary of heroes who has high natural magic resistance like Anti-Mage minimap icon 敌法师 due to his Spell Shield icon 法术护盾 because using Life Break against them might deal more damage to you than to them. Same can be said against heroes who usually build Hood of Defiance icon 挑战头巾 or Pipe of Insight icon 洞察烟斗.
    • You should also be warned not to use your ultimate on a hero who has spell immunity or else you lose a percentage of your health while the target does not. However, the slow will still pierce through spell immunity.
    • Black King Bar icon 黑皇杖 is important to keep in mind on Huskar since you do not lose a percentage of your health when you use your ultimate while spell immune.
    • As Life Break deals magical damage to an enemy relative to his current health, it is possible to kill any enemy in one hit with the help of damage amplification, provided it is not spell immune or has access to very high magic resistance (e.g. Spell Shield icon 法术护盾).
      • It is possible to use certain combinations of items and heroes together with Huskar to kill any hero instantly. For example applying the effects of Veil of Discord icon 纷争面纱, Ethereal Blade icon 虚灵之刃 and Orchid Malevolence icon 紫怨 to a target and then hitting them with an Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 upgraded Life Break will cause an instant death. However, building all these utility items on Huskar himself will destroy a great deal of his carry potential. This same effect can be achieved using Soul Catcher icon 灵魂猎手 instead of Veil of Discord or Decrepify icon 衰老 instead of Ethereal Blade.
    • Beware of heroes with Blade Mail icon 刃甲 as they can destroy you if you use Life Break on them recklessly.
    • A special mention goes to Axe minimap icon 斧王 who can use Culling Blade icon 淘汰之刃 immediately after countering your Life Break.
    • A similar case is Nyx Assassin minimap icon 司夜刺客 who can reflect Life Break using Spiked Carapace icon 尖刺外壳 and then follow up with any of his other abilities to finish you off.
    • Also it is worth noting that any hero using Blade Mail with sufficiently high health will kill you if you use Life Break on them assuming that you do not have spell immunity.
    • Building an Aghanim's Scepter icon 阿哈利姆神杖 enables Huskar to destroy enemy heroes with high health very quickly. The reduced cooldown will allow Huskar deal magical damage equal to 73.74% of the enemy's health in 4 seconds if he is able to use Life Break twice in succession. You can also use Life Break on multiple different enemies in a team fight making it easier for the rest of your team to finish them off. It is also worth noting that building an Aghanim's Scepter will enable Huskar to constantly apply a 60% slow that pierces through spell immunity.
    • If timed just right, Life Break can be used to chase an enemy with a Blink Dagger icon 闪烁匕首 or a similar escape skill. In most cases, if an enemy hero used their escape skill while Huskar is airborne, Huskar will still be able to finish his jump.
    • An Aghanim's Scepter will also allow Huskar to reposition in teamfights frequently. In the event that you are being focused on by a melee carry who happen to have spell immunity, you can jump to other ranged or far off enemy heroes. This will give you a chance to kill them off and resulting into an even trade, stall enough time so that the duration of the melee carry's spell immunity runs out, remove debuffs, recast Inner Vitality and if you have an Armlet of Mordiggian, toggle Unholy Strength twice to regain some HP. Even without an Aghanim's Scepter, this tactic can be used if you did not initiate with Life Break.
      • The most important part of this tactic is the ability to remove debuffs. Since Huskar is really vulnerable to debuffs, jumping to another enemy while you are slowed, rooted or disarmed will give you a chance to turn the tables against your enemy.
  • Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血 increases Huskar's survivability significantly. It is worth noting that with enough stacks and health left, it can help you survive finishing spells that deal magical damage such as Thundergod's Wrath icon 雷神之怒, Assassinate icon 暗杀 and Reaper's Scythe icon 死神镰刀.
    • While with Berserker's Blood Huskar is difficult to be killed by magical spells alone, be very cautious of pure damage. Dealing with heroes such as Bane minimap icon 祸乱之源 and Timbersaw minimap icon 伐木机 can result in death, as using your ultimate in their presence can have dire consequences, since some of their spells are not reduced by magic resistance.
    • Huskar is a great counter against heroes that rely mostly on magical damage like Skywrath Mage minimap icon 天怒法师, Sand King minimap icon 沙王 and Zeus minimap icon 宙斯. If an enemy team consist of mostly or even entirely of spellcasters consider maxing Berserker's Blood first.
    • It is important to remember that the magic resistance from Berserker's Blood DOES NOT equate to magic immunity, a common mistake for new players is to treat it as such. Huskar is still vulnerable to huge burst of magical damage when at nearly full health. Examples of this would be Requiem of Souls icon 魂之挽歌 at point blank range (most likely after using Life Break) with the maximum amount of souls and stacks of Remote Mines icon 遥控炸弹 both of which could kill Huskar even at full health. Berserker's Blood works best against gradual magical damage or damage spread over multiple instances like Rot icon 腐烂, Life Drain icon 生命汲取, Mystic Flare icon 神秘之耀, Static Storm icon 静态风暴, Epicenter icon 地震, Echo Slam icon 回音击, and Poison Nova icon 剧毒新星, all of which are almost impossible to be used to insta-kill Huskar since their damage will be greatly reduced. But keep in mind that some of these also provide debuffs like stun, slow and silence that could hinder Huskar.
    • Berserker's Blood also gives Huskar a huge attack speed bonus when at a low enough health. This enables Huskar to deal a significant amount of damage with Burning Spears and damage increasing items. Shallow Grave icon 薄葬 or False Promise icon 虚妄之诺 makes Huskar even more dangerous at team fights because it enables Huskar to maintain the maximum number of stacks for a short duration before dying.
      • Maelstrom icon 漩涡 or Mjollnir icon 雷神之锤 is a good item to pick to proc Chain Lightning as much as possible and to increase your farming potential.
      • Diffusal Blade icon 净魂之刃 is a decent item if against low mana pool heroes such as Wraith King minimap icon 冥魂大帝 to prevent them from using their abilities. However, this is not recommended as it does not provide either strength or damage and is quite a hefty investment.
      • Monkey King Bar icon 金箍棒 is a good pickup due to its 35% chance to deal a 100 damage mini-stun and if against heroes with evasion like Phantom Assassin minimap icon 幻影刺客, Brewmaster minimap icon 酒仙 or any carry who is planning to or already built evasion items like Heaven's Halberd or Butterfly.
      • Skull Basher icon 碎颅锤 and Abyssal Blade icon 深渊之刃 are also viable items because Huskar will proc Bash at a decent rate due to his attack speed. When Skull Basher is upgraded to Abyssal Blade, he can make use of Overwhelm after using Life Break. Keep in mind that melee carries will still proc it more even if you have the same attack speed, you do however have the range advantage.
      • Keep in mind that the attack speed from Berserker's Blood is unreliable as it depends on your current health. If you are your team's main carry, consider building attack speed items like Mjollnir and Assault Cuirass to further boost your DPS.
  • Huskar's armor is relatively low even until the middle stages of the game and thus if your ultimate is used carelessly the enemy team will only require one or two disables to allow their own carries to kill you. In this respect you must pay special attention to heroes with long duration disables like Bane minimap icon 祸乱之源, Alchemist minimap icon 炼金术士, Shadow Shaman minimap icon 暗影萨满, Dragon Knight minimap icon 龙骑士 etc. or invest in items that increase your durability so that you could survive such encounters and even use yourself to bait the enemy's skills to make it easier for the rest of your team.
    • Helm of Iron Will icon 铁意头盔 could be bought first when planning on building a Helm of the Dominator. Due to Huskar's reliance on Burning Spears for damage and not from physical basic attacks which you rarely use against creeps in lane, an early Helm of Iron Will offers more benefits than buying an early Morbid Mask and will allow Huskar to regenerate more in the laning phase. You can even buy 2 Helms if you plan to build an Armlet of Mordiggian too, a +10 in armor and the bonus 6 HP regeneration will reduce damage in the laning phase significantly and will allow you to spam Burning Spear.
    • Mekansm icon 梅肯斯姆 provides regeneration, armor, and burst heal that could make a significant difference when low in health. Since Huskar only has one skill that uses mana, Mekansm gives a way to utilize Huskar's remaining mana and in higher tier games, Mekansm on Huskar is not unheard of. It could also be paired with a Magic Wand icon 魔杖 to further add to Mekansm's burst heal.
    • Huskar in general is very vulnerable to disables due to his tendency to be low in health, and if he is using life steal he is dependent on his ability to attack to survive fights. Black King Bar icon 黑皇杖 will allow Huskar to attack relentlessly during its duration and hopefully will last long enough to kill off the enemy disablers. Linken's Sphere's spell block will also work better in some situations such as against Doom ability icon 末日, Fiend's Grip icon 魔爪 or Focus Fire icon 集中火力.
    • Guardian Greaves icon 卫士胫甲 in theory is the best boots for Huskar to tank up as it will provide a huge amount of armor if he is below 20% HP and the free mana will make it possible to keep Inner Vitality up indefinitely. Keep in mind however that it does not provide significant DPS, its passive works better if you have a huge amount of HP already, and it costs whopping 5300 gold, although the components are less useful to build on Huskar except for Mekansm. It is best that you build it after your major HP item or better yet let a more natural carrier on your team build it so that you can build other boots.
    • A casual Platemail icon 板甲 will drastically improve Huskar's survivability and can be used to build an Assault Cuirass icon 强袭胸甲 or a File:希瓦之守护 icon.png 希瓦之守护 or both if you plan to stack armor. Since Huskar is already durable against magic damage, Stacking armor will help reduce his second biggest weakness which is physical damage. However, against a pure damage heavy lineup, stacking strength or HP items is still the better solution.
  • Huskar benefits greatly from strength as each point increases his survivability by increasing his health and regeneration rate from Inner Vitality icon 活血术 while also increasing his damage output. However, if you only gear for strength, you might not have enough damage to fight effectively in the late game. Also keep in mind that armor will provide you with more effective HP against physical damage than strength in later stages of the match and as such should not be neglected.
    • Armlet of Mordiggian icon 莫尔迪基安的臂章 provides literally every stat that Huskar needs to be more effective and its Unholy Strength provides a way for Huskar to control his health. If you are able to practice armlet toggling, it will drastically improve Huskar's damage output and allow him to use it to survive fights as long as there is no Heartstopper Aura or Radiance Aura or you are not afflicted by any DPS debuff. An important fact to remember is that its active ability also adds to Inner Vitality's regeneration.
    • Heart of Tarrasque icon 恐鳌之心 gives a massive HP regen bonus from Inner Vitality, it allows Huskar to keep Unholy Strength active indefinitely and it gives enough health to allow you to be at a low enough percentage to increase stacks from your Berserker's Blood but not low enough to be bursted down. This also complements an Aghanim's Scepter pickup as it will allow you to use Life Break sparingly, even against Roshan or creeps.
    • Sange icon 散华 and its upgrades Sange and Yasha icon 散夜对剑, Heaven's Halberd icon 天堂之戟, and Silver Edge icon 白银之锋 provides a good amount of strength to cost ratio and gives a fair amount of utility.
    • Satanic icon 撒旦之邪力 provides strength, armor and 25% lifesteal. Its active could also be used in a pinch to keep yourself from dying.
  • Huskar has no natural escape mechanisms and it makes committing into a fight very risky if it does not go as planned. Consider building escape items like Shadow Blade icon 影刃 or its upgrade Silver Edge icon 白银之锋 or even a Blink Dagger icon 闪烁匕首 because it will provide you immense survivability that no strength, HP or armor item that can replace.
  • Huskar is effective at dealing with lone targets, but often time struggles when enemies are grouped up. Do not get too complacent, even if you can take on anybody on the enemy team. It is usually best to let somebody else initiate, and then come into the fight when the enemies are spread out, that way, you can take them on one at a time and most likely win each of the duels.
    • When faced with physical damage dealing heroes and you have no counter-pick on your team, it is wise to build items that specifically counter them so that you can duel them such as Blade Mail icon 刃甲, Heaven's Halberd icon 天堂之戟 or in special cases Orchid Malevolence icon 紫怨 for heroes with escapes like Storm Spirit minimap icon 风暴之灵 or Anti-Mage minimap icon 敌法师.
    • Huskar has a huge early game presence, however there are many heroes that are difficult for Huskar to fight and as such he is a very situational hero to pick.


  • Huskar's name might be derived from the Old Norse word "Huskarl", the title given to the highly-skilled bodyguards of important Norse lords and kings.
  • His name might also be derived from Huáscar Inca, a leader of the Inca Empire in the 16th century. Huskar's lore also connects him to Dazzle minimap icon 戴泽, who is a Shadow Priest (Fits in the Native American shaman role).
  • Before 6.79, you could use a Ghost Scepter icon 幽魂权杖 and then manually cast Burning Spear icon 沸血之矛 on enemies. You would take little Magic damage since the Magic Resistance provided by Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血 reduced the incoming magic damage significantly, while also being immune to physical damage because of the ethereal state.


  • Added Huskar minimap icon 哈斯卡 in Captain's Draft.
  • Fixed being able to attack while he is leaping in Life Break icon 牺牲.
  • Fixed Life Break icon 牺牲 leap moving too fast.
  • Fixed Life Break icon 牺牲 not properly dispelling buffs on you when cast.
  • [佚] Added an injured running animation for Huskar minimap icon 哈斯卡.


  • Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血
    • Bonuses are now provided linearly from full 100% to 10% health, instead of stepwise with every 7% health missing.
    • Reduced max magic resistance bonus from 42%/56%/70%/84% to 20%/30%/40%/50%.
  • Reduced Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血 magic resistance bonus per stack from 4%/5%/6%/7% to 3%/4%/5%/6%.
  • Inner Vitality icon 活血术
    • Increased cast range from 550 to 800.
    • Reduced cooldown from 25/22/19/16 to 22/18/14/10.
  • Inner Vitality icon 活血术
    • Increased base health regen bonus from 2/4/6/8 to 10.
    • Rescaled regen bonus when hurt from 30%/45%/60%/75% to 20%/40%/60%/80%.
  • Reduced Inner Vitality icon 活血术 cooldown from 25 to 25/22/19/16.
  • Increased Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血 attack speed bonus from 8/12/16/20 to 14/16/18/20.
  • Life Break icon 牺牲
    • Reduced cooldown from 45/30/15 to 12.
    • Reduced damage to target from 50% to 35%.
    • Rescaled damage to self from 40%/35%/30% to 35%.
    • Rescaled Slow duration from 5 to 4/5/6.
    • Rescaled Slow from 50% to 40%/50%/60%.
  • Increased Burning Spear icon 沸血之矛 duration from 7 to 8.
  • Inner Vitality icon 活血术
    • Increased regen bonus when hurt from 15%/30%/45%/60% to 30%/45%/60%/75%.
    • Increased cast range from 450 to 550.
Old Berserker's Blood icon Berserker's Blood:
Huskar feels each of his wounds and channels the pain, increasing attack speed and damage for each 7% missing health. First bonus starts at full health.
Attack Speed: 3/6/9/12 per stack
Attack Damage: 2/4/6/8 per stack
New Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血:
Huskar feels each of his wounds and channels the pain, increasing magic resistance and attack speed for each 7% missing health. First bonus starts at full health.
Magic Resistance: 4%/5%/6%/7% per stack
Attack Speed: 8/12/16/20 per stack
  • Reduced Life Break icon 牺牲 cast range from 600 to 550.
Old Life Break icon Life Break:
Huskar moves into melee range and damages him and the target by a percentage of their lives and slows the target.
Cast range: 100
New Life Break icon 牺牲:
Huskar leaps towards the target and damages him and the target by a percentage of their lives and slows the target upon reaching it.
Cast Range: 600
Leap speed: 1000 (he cannot be disjointed).
Huskar is spell immune during the leap.
When Huskar gets disabled during the leap, it stops and gets canceled.
  • Reduced Life Break icon Life Break damage to self from 40%/33%/25% to 35%/30%/25%.
  • Reduced Inner Vitality icon 活血术 heal interval from 1 to 0.1 seconds (same overall heal).
  • Removed the cap on Berserker's Blood icon Berserker's Blood (the cap was 7 stacks).
  • Fixed lags upon picking Huskar.
  • Life Break icon Life Break
    • Increased damage to target from 40% to 50% of its current health.
    • Reduced cooldown from 45 on each level to 45/30/15.
  • Increased attack range from 350 to 400.
  • Improved Huskar minimap icon 哈斯卡's attack animation from unknown to 0.4/0.5.
  • Added a visual effect to Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血 when reaching high stacks.
  • Increased Inner Vitality icon 活血术 mana cost from 50/90/130/170 to 170 on each level.
  • Created.

Replaced abilities

Berserker's Blood (pre 6.78)
Unknown icon
Huskar's injuries feed his power, giving increased attack speed and damage for each 7% of missing health.
Attack Speed Bonus per Stack:
Attack Damage Bonus per Stack:
After losing his birthright, Huskar gained a lethality in physical combat that is only heightened as his own blood is spilled.

  • This ability got reworked into the current Berserker's Blood icon 狂战士之血 in the 6.78 gameplay patch.
  • Huskar's size increases and he glows red, the more stacks he has. At 25% health or less, he also stops using his attack stance and use his default animations.
  • First stack lasts from 100% to 87% of Huskar's maximum health. Each following stack is added for each 7% max health missing.
  • The maximum bonus (14 stacks) is achieved when Huskar has strictly less than 3% of his maximum health, which will provide bonus 42/84/126/168 attack speed and 24/56/84/112 attack damage.
  • The health percentage is checked periodically and the effects adapted instantly.

Life Break (pre 6.72)
Unknown icon
Huskar draws upon his health to break an enemy's life, shattering a percentage of that hero's current health, and slowing them.
Cast Range:
Current Health as Cost:
Target's Current Health as Damage:
Move Speed Slow:
Slow Duration:
Increases damage dealt, reduces cooldown.
No matter the danger, Huskar thrusts himself into melees that only he can survive.

  • This ability got reworked into the current Life Break icon 牺牲 in the 6.72 gameplay patch.
  • With base magic resistance included, the targeted enemy will lose 37.5% (可以用阿哈利姆神杖升级 48.75%) of his current health, if it is not Visage minimap icon 维萨吉 or Meepo minimap icon 米波.


See also

  • Huskar responses
  • Huskar sounds

